Haggerty Just Lost A Customer

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by 72Skylark455, May 29, 2004.

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  1. Brad Conley

    Brad Conley Guest

    Sorry, I just had to make one last post and then the thread will be locked. It already was by Adam (locked), but I just needed to say one thing.

    Buying insurance is a moral decision, just like the decisions we all make in our everyday lives. Not only does it protect you from financial disaster, it makes those you may injure or damage in some way whole again.

    No Fault insurance is the biggest joke in the world. I urge everyone in a no fault state to contact their legislator and demand change. Insurance companies DO NOT want no fault, it was forced upon them by the state. There is no way to underwrite the prospect because their good driving record means nothing. You could be the best guy in the world, but in a no fault state YOUR company pays your damages when you get hit by the guy who runs the red light. I know for a fact that at least one insurance company left Michigan because of their stupid laws, my father was the insurance company executive that made that decision and made the trip to Michigan to close down their operations there. It was not easy. Lots of people lost their jobs. But the sole reason was no fault and all the ramifications that involves.

    There is not a lot of money being made in insurance these days. For every dollar the average company takes in in premiums, they pay out $1.06 in claims. The only way they stay in business is from their investments, and lately, there hasn't been much made there. Be glad you have the ability to buy insurance coverage.

    Kyle, this is in no way a slam on you. Please do not think it is.
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