How many of you blog?

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by 72Skylark455, Aug 11, 2004.

  1. 72Skylark455

    72Skylark455 Well-Known Member

    Whether it be your own website or you use something like livejournal or blogger or whatever.

    I currently use a webhost (so i can put pictures up however i want and have all the goodies a ex-CS major would want) for $15/mo

    my blog is run by WordPress (

    i've been "blogging" for about 3 years or so.. granted i think my latest endevour is probably the most entertaining for people to read. at least i hope so. granted a lot of you might think a lot of what i put on there is "sissy boy" material. it's more or less my life in a nutshell.

    not a lot of car related material on it yet but this year has been slow for me car wise. i haven't been to a single car show all year. no cruises nothing. :(

    i think i got burnt out last year lol

    anyhow who blogs and why do you do so? what's the address?

    mine is in my sig

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