How much could your life change in one day??

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by Staged70Lark, Jan 12, 2004.

  1. Shayne Dillinge

    Shayne Dillinge Well-Known Member

    I was wondering how he slipped on ice when it hasn't been that cold.
  2. blown455

    blown455 Pit crew

    I was thinking the same thing. I looked at the posted date and was trying to figure out how it could be so off.
  3. avc1966

    avc1966 Well-Known Member

    Old post, but valid points. I received a call 2 weeks ago that a friends 14 year old son was killed when a golf cart he was ridding in rolled onto him going up a hill. Such a great kid too. Always hanging around. Doing what I do, I realize life changes in a second, but I still feel like I got kicked in the chest. 2 friends in their 40's have been diagnosed with cancer in the last 2 years (1 is now gone). It all leaves me very little patience for all the trivial nonsense in life. I feel sorry for those that are so wrapped up in their lives, they don't pay attention to living. John, I can appreciate working with your dad on this stuff, I have a lot of fun with mine doing the same stuff. We are luckier that alot of people. Take care Tony
  4. benderbrew

    benderbrew Well-Known Member

    John, just wanted to add my "keep up the good work and heal quickly" to Stan. I miss my father everyday and am so happy to see you and Stan together doing what you both love. It's gotta be nice. Hope all continues to stay above water for you guys.
  5. blown455

    blown455 Pit crew

    So true. Sorry to hear about your friend's son. This last Sunday I spent at a SIDS benifit. Three years ago the girl next door and me became close in a way we never would of thought. I was in the garage helping Rod and heard a scream, thought it was and odd scream but past it off as kids playing. Two mins later our door flys open and Kris has her little girl in one arm screaming Leo is dead. Trying to be calm and figure out what she is talking about, because she has to be wrong. She tells me to check on him in his room. I tried everything, I did not want to come out of that room with out her 5 month little boy smiling in my arms. No such luck. I was by her side every step of the way from there on.

    Rod and I like kids as long as they are not ours. We're not to big on the ideal of having our own. You know they might turn out like the ones on Jerry Springer, on drugs, out of control and no respect for anyone, no matter how well you try to raise them. We never looked at the fact that they might not make it that far and you have no control over it what so ever. 5 months is such a short time and it has such a huge impact. Going through that with her then having to tell her husband he has to come to the hospital because his only little boy is gone and try to think that life hasn't changed in an instant or things will be fine tomorrow, is so far from the truth.

    That same year on Mother's day I had a 19 year old cousin have an aneurysm burst. He pulled through but things will never be the same, for him or my aunt. Life is way to short to ignor the living or deprive your self of things you want to do. There might not be a day that you are physically able or a tomorrow at all.
  6. stagetwo65

    stagetwo65 Wheelie King

    Oh Boy, Doesn't anybody look at dates besides me? :Dou: This is going to keep going on and on. I just talked to John Csordas on the phone. Like everyone else who posted best wishes to Stan, he didn't look at the date or any of the other responses regarding the date of the original post. He asked me to post his apologies for keeping the misconception going.
  7. 71GS455

    71GS455 Best Package Wins!

    That's really strange, since my reply seems to be the first one since back in January... I replied to current post. Whomever it was must have realized it too and deleted theirs. I haven't searched stuff this old in a long time??? :confused:
  8. Smartin

    Smartin Staff Member

    That would be Fritz!!:grin:
  9. 71GS455

    71GS455 Best Package Wins!

    Does that mean I've been Fritzed? :bglasses:
  10. 65WILDKAT


    I Know what you mean

    I am Glad to hear that your Dad is goning to be okay!

    On June 15 1999 at 9:10 p.m. I decided to take a ride on my Harley and I hit the road with a smile because it was a beautiful summer night, I thought I would take the route that I take to clear my head of all the stuff that builds up during the week and I was only half way thru the week, I remember heading towards Rt. 476 and heading South. Well the next thing I knew I woke up and felt like I had been in the worst fight in my life! I layed there for a few mintues trying to remember what I had done the night before and then I heard someone say I think his eyes are moving! When things came into focus I was in a Hospital,I opend my eyes and ears to hear all kinds of sounds.......A Countious BEEP.....BEEP....BEEP.....And the sound of someone breathing hard and loud, My Eyes found my Beautiful wife leaning over me with tears coming down her face. I thought why is she crying? Then I saw this tube Sticking out of my mouth and then I saw tubes running into my arms, Legs and chest. The Beep ...BEEP... I heard was a machine that was monitoring my heart and the breathing sound I heard was the LIFE Support Machine doing the breathing for me! My Wife leaned over and whispered in my ear that I had been hit by a Semi on June 15 1999 at 9:15 p.m. and thrown 289 feet down the highway, and it was now July 25 1999. Panic struck me, As I looked over my body the best I could, I saw two bolts sticking out of my leg just below my knee (1/4-20 's for those wondering) on the left side . I could see my muscle tissue thru a spot in my hand. It was then that I Knew I was in TROUBLE!
    I had broken every bone in my body except for my neck and back. I Popped both lungs with my broken ribs. I crushed my Left Hip and Broke my my right one. I Have had a hip Replacement on my left side and I have three different types of arthritis. I am now consider handicapped (which is what you make of it I prefer just a bit slower then before) and can no longer tie my own shoes or clip my toe nails or scratch my foot. Before all this happened I was in great shape and as my Father-in-law would say I was built like a Bull Dog. I was given a 2% chance of living and I am here today to say NEVER NEVER EVER Think that tomorrow is a given! Heck the Next Mintue is a Gift from God!
    Like the song says by Tim McGraw " LIVE LIKE YOU WERE DYING",
    Sorry for rambling, But I really want People to know that they should take the time and smell the roses and always tell you Children and Wife and the rest of their Family that you Love them! Every day and as many times as possible! So This Holiday when you are out and about ,PLEASE!, Be smart Be Careful, Be Thankful for every minute you have!
    God Bless you all and Hapy Holidays!
    Don Reynolds
    Last edited: Nov 26, 2004
  11. avc1966

    avc1966 Well-Known Member

    Don, I'm glad you are here to tell the tale. I've thought about the what if when I'm on the bike. Otherwise I'm speechless. Take care Tony
  12. DugsSin

    DugsSin Well-Known Member

    My addition to this thread relates to my 15 yr old daughter. Fri night she attends her girlfriends 16th birtday party with several friends guys and gals. They are all quite close and share stories of how horrible their parents are as well as their brothers and sisters. The one fellow says he is going to end it all and just hang himself, it get a big laugh and that was that.
    Monday moring they get the new he did hang himself that weekend. They all lost a lot of their childhood that moring.
    None of them have any idea why.
    Tell your parents you love them and then tell your kids too!

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