How to decode a "protect-o-plate" ?

Discussion in 'The "Paper Trail"' started by 68 Skylark cust, Jan 29, 2005.

  1. 68 Skylark cust

    68 Skylark cust French Canadian Member

    Hi , I'd like to know if there is a website or a person that could decode a "protect-o-plate" information ? Here it is


    If it don't read well here are the numbers :

    173 GG .............. 4443781xxxxxx
    P0032 ................ LJ .................... 9
    ME011N ............. 148 ........ 86579
    5/50 .. 2S/0 .. 33000M ... 10/08/67

    86579 is for the dealer code but for the rest ??? I have a 2 speeds 300 SuperTurbine there's a number 300 in the plate :Do No:
    What the date is for ? The day it was "born" or the day it was sold at the garage ?

    thank you
  2. flynbuick

    flynbuick Guest

    What is the date on your cowl tag? 10B?

    444 = skylark custom

    37 = hardtop

    8 = 1968

    I ( not 1) - Oshawa Ontorio Canada Plant

    If it is Canadian built you can get all your paperwork if you have not already done so.
  3. 68 Skylark cust

    68 Skylark cust French Canadian Member

    Hi Flyn , It's a Canadian car and I allready heard about the "I" instead of the "1" for the plant location , but I clearly see a "1" either on this protect-o-plate and on the windshield VIN but thank you again . I had some info from GM Canada (picture) but anything on how to decode this protect-o-plate is welcome !

    Thank you for your time


    According to the GM documentation the car was shipped on oct7,67 and I do supose that the oct8,67 on the protect-o-plate is the date they received it

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