I don't understand it

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by hugger, Apr 10, 2024.

  1. hugger

    hugger Well-Known Member

    So you can make hundreds of thousands even millions filming yourself being ignorant... being devious....driving like a complete dangerous selfish dipshit....talking about how it's ok to be 200lbs overweight.....etc etc none of which is helpful to society...truly benefits anyone...or requires any real skill or valuable attributes BUT allows you to make piles of cash .. while the working stuffs that actually keep the show goin make peanuts

    We need a reset button
    vikings.1, docgsx, 1973gs and 4 others like this.
  2. hugger

    hugger Well-Known Member

    Like the new "Bodi" workout commercial....so the 100lb overweight motivational "trainer" on the commercial is supposed to know how to get you in shape ......she obviously knows how to get to the fried chicken buffet first not sure that will result in loss of the "pooch" you been struggling to get rid of.

    I don't know jack squat about brain surgery but I'm guessing if I declare so and make videos.. you can't say otherwise....so pay me my money....gonna be rich fellas be right back! Haha...wth is wrong with this place
  3. Mark Demko

    Mark Demko Well-Known Member

    I agree, all sorts of “pros” come out of the woodwork telling you what where when and how you should do ****:rolleyes:
  4. Jim Weise

    Jim Weise EFI/DIS 482

    Hey Ethan,

    Here's a thought.. You know the old saying, if you can't beat them, join them.

    You are obviously a very skilled body man, as well as a painter, a trade that unlike what I do, crosses over into all makes and models, new and old.

    We live in a country of do it yourselfers..

    I suggest that you make a series of good quality videos, illustrating your craft.. monetize them with advertising, and see what happens.. you might just find that teaching is actually more lucrative that doing.

    Or at least a nice supplemental income.

    Had I chose to sell ads on the board here, I most likely would not be building engines anymore.. but I like what I do, even if it does not pay as well as I would like it to, and I hate message boards filled with pop ups and ads.

    Just a thought..


    PS.. if you turn into the "body guy to the stars" with this idea, I'm gonna need to "wet my beak" in a little of that cash.. it was my idea :D:p
  5. bostoncat68

    bostoncat68 Platinum Level Contributor

    I’m with @Jim Weise, find a niche and cash in. I don’t blame anyone for finding a smarter way to earn a living. They aren’t stealing or scamming, they are entertainers. Plenty of folks make fortunes as hedge fund traders, they are not killing themselves, they are betting with other people’s funds….
    rolliew likes this.
  6. hugger

    hugger Well-Known Member

    The thought of me doin a video is beyond comical....I'd be famous but not for my instruction...I would be the new Larry the cable guy... my lack of political correctness would probably have black suburban at the shop ha

    The instructor part of me has thought about it but I would need a translator haha
    Mark Demko and Fox's Den like this.
  7. Fox's Den

    Fox's Den 355Xrs

    Don't worry we have seen it all. Go for it should be comical
  8. Guy Parquette

    Guy Parquette Platinum Level Contributor

    So true. Todays World. Very sad. Can’t wait to be dead. (Naturally of course)
  9. hugger

    hugger Well-Known Member

    I have zero issue with the people that do info packed and helpful or I guess yea entertaining videos but 90% of ot is just plain ignorant and spreads ignorance
  10. pbr400

    pbr400 68GS400

    “No man ever went broke overestimating the ignorance of the American people.”
    PT Barnum
  11. hugger

    hugger Well-Known Member

    "Hawd damn that fits like horse in a doggie door!!" Haha that type of delivery ha ..my friends call them Ethanisms ...they have changed a few lives I'm told haha

    One I get reminded of on occasion.....we were at a house party many moons ago..me and friend had just got the Bush lite keg floating by ourselves haha....something was said argument started...I got nose to nose to the trailer owner/host....told him "I'm a tree you can't climb boy" after a moment of silence and acknowledgement of the seriousness...we all busted out laughing and to this day we still laugh about it
    tdacton likes this.
  12. hugger

    hugger Well-Known Member

    This is true I guess haha.....damn it I'm gonna have to get one of them damn tic tak lights aren't I??
  13. 1973gs

    1973gs Well-Known Member

    You're good with a hammer and dolly, right? There's no reason you can't do brain surgery!
  14. knucklebusted

    knucklebusted Well-Known Member

    Who cares how you get famous as long as you DO get RICH and FAMOUS!
  15. dynaflow

    dynaflow shiftless...

    ...orthopedics for sure, might need to take some electrical courses for brain surgery:). I remember when I needed my first lumbar laminectomy, I wanted someone knowledgeable in human electrical systems (neurosurgeon), not a nuts and bolts guy (orthopedic surgeon). Never regretted choice, after 2 laminectomies, at 82, I can still bend over and touch floor. I have friends/relatives who were never able to do it after orthopedic surgery:oops:. YMMV.

    Keeping on topic, most of social media is entertainment for people with attention spans of goldfish. I'm truly amazed at how many people can't function without a "leader."

    Guy, there are times it's hard to see any light, especially with every media outlet telling us the sky is falling. You have to put that crap away in storage "boxes" and only take it out when it has relevance to living your life...

    ...Edit: I have no idea how "clear.png" became attached to my message (and there's no way to edit it out)...

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Apr 11, 2024
  16. 73Stage2

    73Stage2 Well-Known Member

    Be careful what you wish for. True wealth comes from within
    rolliew and 12lives like this.
  17. rolliew

    rolliew Well-Known Member

    "It's not what you make, it's how you spend what ya do got"

    A quote from my best friend's father, circa the early 80's.

    Words to live by for sure.

    Had a beautiful house on the river but drove a Toyota Corolla, worked in the paint department at freightliner manufacturing.
    I grew up next door, three lots and a house on the same river, Dad was a sheetrocker.
    Mike B in SC likes this.
  18. Mark Demko

    Mark Demko Well-Known Member

    DO IT!
    I’d subscribe!!
    I thought about making maybe one video of me doing something, but it would be a cornucopia of events.
    I’d go out to the garage, get as far as picking up a tool, or turning my compressor on, then chase a dog out of the garage cause he’s peeing on something, then try laying on the floor to wrench, and another dog coming up to give me kisses.
    The video would be useless :p
    Plus I don’t consider myself an authority on anything, I just know what I know.
    Pole Barn Garage comes to mind, he THINKS he knows a lot, but his video of him painting a car was rediculous, I saw him doing **** and thought “ dude that ain’t gonna work” Well it didn’t.
    He fired up his torpedo heater “poof” when it lights off, then he commences to painting and wonders where the fisheyes came from:rolleyes:
    That’s just one example, but he talks like he knows EVERYTHING :rolleyes::rolleyes:

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