I need drop lights.. can't find 'em

Discussion in 'Parts wanted' started by Poppaluv, Jan 16, 2006.

  1. Poppaluv

    Poppaluv I CALL WINNERS!!!

    Looked on e.bay and Harbor freight for drop lights. Not one light, but the one's where there are maybe 10 or so lights strung together for maybe 50 ft. or so. Need to illuminate the area between our fema trailers through the carport. Never realized how dark dark is... :puzzled:
  2. Buick Dave

    Buick Dave Well-Known Member

    Go to a camper supply, they have the TIKI light kits, up to 150ft...as long as you dont mind them in various color plastic lanterns.....works with the Trailer theme.....sorry Pop..couldnt resist.
  3. Poppaluv

    Poppaluv I CALL WINNERS!!!

    I wouldn't mind somethig like that but need more illuminaton. Might as well string up a few strands of x-mas lights. :error:
  4. BuickBuddy

    BuickBuddy Registered V8 Offender GK

    I got mine at home depot. They were 69 bucks for a string of 10.
  5. Poppaluv

    Poppaluv I CALL WINNERS!!!

    What was your length? The local 'depot was under 10 ft. of water. Next one was 12 ft. Next nearest is an hour away.... :error:
  6. BuickBuddy

    BuickBuddy Registered V8 Offender GK

    They are 100' long. 10 lights spaced every 10'.

    I bought them for selling trees every Christmas. :TU:

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