Installing Roof Rails

Discussion in 'Color is everything!' started by DasRottweiler, Jan 20, 2018.

  1. DasRottweiler

    DasRottweiler -BuickAddict-

    I'm at that point in my build. 70 Skylark....
    I will be using my original (used) rails.
    Just pulled them from the abyss aka, the basement. Going to need a little rehab. I'll wire wheel the rusty spots that don't show and epoxy them , and polish the stainless til it's purty.
    2018-01-20 10.53.13.jpg 2018-01-20 10.53.41.jpg
    Question for those that have been there, done this:
    I plan on cleaning the remains of the tape insulation/adhesive off the surface that mounts to the car. What product am I supposed to use here to replace it before affixing rail to car?
    Thanks for any/all replies......Jim/Rott
  2. DasRottweiler

    DasRottweiler -BuickAddict-

    I used 3M Weatherstripping adhesive....
  3. CJay

    CJay Supercar owner Staff Member

    They make the correct tape. Maybe Inline Tube?
  4. NZ GS 400

    NZ GS 400 Gold Level Contributor

  5. CJay

    CJay Supercar owner Staff Member

    Inline has it under INL11128
  6. DasRottweiler

    DasRottweiler -BuickAddict-

    Thanks, Jim
  7. alain

    alain Well-Known Member

    :)Take a look at THE PARTS PLACE INC they have everything you need .Maybe cheaper than restoring the OE parts?:)
  8. scubasteve455

    scubasteve455 Well-Known Member

    Better get the right stuff . I found some 3M stuff looks a little like cork paper. I can tell you. 3M probably does not make this anymore. But I’ll be using it.
  9. scubasteve455

    scubasteve455 Well-Known Member

    Be careful polishing! That big polishing pad spinning will catch and rip and bend and throw that trim across the room! If you lucky it won’t be sticking in your head! Sorry just have a fear of that when I think about polishing trim. (Advice) Those rubber work gloves you see at hardware store we’re the inside hand part is rubber! That’s what you want! Seems the trim sticks to rubber very well
    DasRottweiler likes this.
  10. DasRottweiler

    DasRottweiler -BuickAddict-

    I bought a 6" buffer and have been polishing all my stainless witb it. I wear a full face shield and take precautions. Did alot of reading, u-tube vids etc. You must be aware at all times and not lose focus.
    Had a few minor misshaps, trashed a headlight retainer, but all is well so far. Gutta use your head and respect those spinning wheels, wear proper clothes etc. Jim

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