intuitive???? On XM Radio

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by IDOXLR8, Nov 7, 2004.

  1. IDOXLR8

    IDOXLR8 Senior Member

    Does anyone know the meaning of the word intuitive? This word was use to descripe some stations on XM radio, AL.
  2. crazyjackcsa

    crazyjackcsa Big and Untame

    "capable of knowing without deduction or reasoning"

    A gut feeling. Knowing something without knowing why you know it.
  3. Loyd

    Loyd Turbocharger junkie

    Definitions of intuitive on the Web

    Definitions of intuitive on the Web:

    spontaneously derived from or prompted by a natural tendency; "an intuitive revulsion"

    obtained through intuition rather than from reasoning or observation

    An intuitive utilizes perceptual skills not located in rational, analytic thinking. Oftentimes the insights of an intuitive surpass what is available to the conscious mind.

    Knowing something without thinking it out - having instant understanding without need for facts or proof.

    Perceived immediately by the mind, instinctive knowledge or feeling.
  4. IDOXLR8

    IDOXLR8 Senior Member

    Wow!! But how does this relate to 40s 50s 60s 70s and 80s music selections on your radio? AL.
  5. Steve Craig

    Steve Craig Gold Level Contributor

    My wife's "woman's intuition" tells her I spend way too much money on the old Buick. She doesn't have to realize how rare good parts are these days,see receipts, see the parts, hear what a bear it was to install.
    She just knows...!
  6. crazyjackcsa

    crazyjackcsa Big and Untame

    Well Al, I work in the radio industry so stick with me: XM radio considers itself "Intuitive because they believe that they play music that you like. ALL the music you like and only the music you like. With the variety of stations they have They "intuitively" know what you like. A little bit of a stretch but better than "XM Radio: We play a couple of songs every now and again that we think you might tolerate"
  7. Smartin

    Smartin Staff Member

    I think XM is awesome...I need to look into getting it for the snow plow season.
  8. IDOXLR8

    IDOXLR8 Senior Member

    Trevor, I'm sure Smartin is sold on XM radio, in your opinion does XM do a better job then listening to "play-list" radio (AM/FM) ? AL.
  9. crazyjackcsa

    crazyjackcsa Big and Untame

    Here is my 2 cents Al. XM (and it's ilk) are great for finding the genre of music you like and nothing more. Most Radio stations have to appeal to as many people as possible it gain a large enough audience so that they can sell commercials. XM on the other hand can be more focused on a niche like satellite or cable TV. Now the problem being is that XM by nature can't be local based, which is what I enjoy. If you're in a big metropolitan city it may not bother you. But I've found smaller markets enjoy the local slant that radio can provide. IE The call in buy, sell and trade shows... Telling you what events are coming up in YOUR town this weekend, The feeling of community. So you have to ask yourself what you like. Are you strictly a music person or do you enjoy the whole package? Adam may have a problem getting local up to date weather or XM during snow plow season. I don't really know.

    As an aside, I HAVE to be biased against XM. Very, very few people are employed in the tradition radio aspect of XM. Very few on air people, they don't run look alike contests, and the All of it is pre recorded, they're never (on location) and you have to pay for it.

    Sorry for the rant (and any spelling mistakes)
  10. gstewart

    gstewart Well-Known Member

    i agree with u . i like to hear & feel the local slant of comercial radio & listern to the disk jockeys . of couse, the fact that i live in the detroit/windsor area
    where all but one fm frequency is unassigned surely gives us a great variety of music for the listening pleasure . i raise a question for the xm users - is xm reception affected by storms and/or cloud cover?

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