Is Iran next?

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by TuBBeD, Jun 14, 2004.

  1. msc66

    msc66 still no vacuum

    Kill them all? How can you realistically do that? Women, children? Kill them too? You would have to you know because you never know who the next terrorist is going to be. Even if we had the intelligence to find every terrorist cell and destroy it there would soon be more because you can't kill the ideology.

    I'm not saying that those who support this are wrong. I don't know what to think anymore. I just feel that by bombing the crap out of Iran you may stop them from supporting terrorists but then what about the next country? Do we really have the military might to overthrow and then occupy every middle eastern country? As bad as this situation is in Iraq do we want more of these?

    I'm sorry that I don't have what I feel to be "the" answer. Unfortunately, I think we have gotten ourselves into a situation where there is no good answer and I wish someone would've thought about this before hand. All I know is that I'm sick of seeing our soldiers dying over there and I don't even know why.

    BTW, its nice to see that people can express views on both sides of this issue and not get flamed too bad:)
  2. sixtynine462

    sixtynine462 Guest

    I agree with everything Mike C. said^^^
  3. Leviathan

    Leviathan Inmate of the Month

  4. Ken Mild

    Ken Mild King of 18 Year Resto's

    I don't disagree totally with that concept, however, it's really not as black and white as that. It's not either you take care of home or you go abroad.

    I think the key to our survival is to get those countries which have been continually harboring terrorists such as Iraq, Iran, Saudi Arabia etc. to really and truly buy in to the fact that they need to fight terrorism with us. The only other alternative is to go and get them ourselves people, or I guarantee you 9-11 part two will be coming to a theater near you.....whether you like it or not.
  5. Ken Mild

    Ken Mild King of 18 Year Resto's

    Here's a quote from the ultra left wing U.K. publication:

    "As it turned out, I was to spend 26 hours in detention. My crime: I had flown in earlier that day to research an innocuous freelance assignment for the Guardian, but did not have a journalist's visa. "

    Next time bring your journalist's visa. No need for a doctorate to figure that one out.

    "The price this powerful country is paying for living in fear is the price of its civil liberties. "

    Wrong. The price this country is paying for upholding it's civil liberties, is having to live in fear.

    Open borders and a blah ze attitude is what killed us. I wish these crybabies would get over it and be glad we are doing something. Serves them right in this day and age to travel here without the proper documentation and somehow expect special treatment. Give me a break.
  6. Ken Mild

    Ken Mild King of 18 Year Resto's

    Mike, nobody is happy to see soldiers die. One is too many. Or is it? For the price of freedom?

    Bear in mind, we live this war through TV every night. The less than 1,000 soldiers killed, seems like an insane number. It's actually phenominally low compared to the rest of the history of warfare for what's been accomplished.

    You're absolutely right that the "ideology" cannot be killed.

    They want us and all who do not line their pockets or think like them.....dead.

    I don't exactly know that living in a plastic bubble and "taking care of business at home" as it is so often stated in simplicity, is the answer. I don't even know if "taking it to the terrorists" is the only answer either, but if I had to choose, I'd rather do that than sit with my fingers crossed that nobody will harm us.

    I'm very nervous about the times we live in. God help us all.
  7. Leviathan

    Leviathan Inmate of the Month

    I don't think the right answer is to focus on home or abroad, but to do both. Ignoring one for the other is kind of like saying your left shoe is more important than your right... you can't walk without both.

    There's been lots of media attnetion and political action about taking care of business out in the Middle East, but not a lot of attneiton drawn to the privacy, personal freedom, and trade changes that actually affect the regular citizen.

    Germany started with registration of "certain" citizens, closing its borders, and restricting journalism. There are enemies foriegn *and* domestic...
  8. sixtynine462

    sixtynine462 Guest

    You will never get them to buy into that. You are forgetting one very important (maybe the most important) thing:
    Their religeous goals are the same as the terrorists. Whether they say they support it or not, they really do. There will always be a conflict because of that fact alone.
    Remember- One country's terrorist is another's freedom fighter.

    Who's freedom is that exactly?
  9. sixtynine462

    sixtynine462 Guest

    Not the best comparison, but it shows the potential to end up where they did.
    If we aren't careful with letting our government do whatever they want, they will soon run us, the people, over.
    Maybe that statement isn't all that far off as I first though. Germany had a mad man leading the people. We have a madly out of control and oversized government doing whatever they want and slowly but surely taking away our freedoms.
  10. MPRY1

    MPRY1 Gear Banger

    When people talk about all the troops getting killed, I can't help but shake my head. In two years we have lost about 919 of our boys.

    During the latter part of WW2 in one month, March 1945, we lost 150,000 men. It was the bloodiest month of the entire war.

    Just to put things into perspective.
  11. Ken Mild

    Ken Mild King of 18 Year Resto's

    I must agree with you there.

    If flying jets into skyscrapers and killing thousands of people who knew nothing about Al Qaida but would rather have gone home and cooked up a barbecue and play with their kids is considered freedom fighting.....I guess you're right.

    How come it's ok for them to come here and kill us, but it's not ok for us to go there and kill them for doing it?

    Yours. Don't doubt it.
  12. Carl Rychlik

    Carl Rychlik Let Buick Light Your Fire

    The trouble is the fact that we are the greatest country in the world and there will be somebody that will hate us,whether it'd be our religous beliefs or our freedoms or whatever.

    Very sad that the world operates like it does.

    The U.S. really tries to help everyone and what does it get in return? A lot of grief and aggrevation.
  13. Leviathan

    Leviathan Inmate of the Month

    Having studied serval religions I can't say that the Islamic faith, or any of the mainstream religions requires, supports, or even allows the acts committed on 9-11. It is very definitly being used as a tool to support the agendas of a few rather nasty people.

    Christianity did the same thing 800 years ago. The Crusades.

    When you've got nothing in life to lose, someone telling you how great the afterlife will be ...if you only do us this little favour... well that's a powerful motivator. Notice that the more affluent islamic countries (Kuait, Saudi) have governments solidly opposed to these idiots?
  14. sixtynine462

    sixtynine462 Guest

    Note I never claimed it made any sense at all to me!
    The logic that says "go kill them for it" is stupid in the extreme. First of all, even though Iraq might like what was done to us on 9-11, they weren't the ones that did it. I'll say it one more time: There is no way to wage war on terrorism! You can take over all the countries in the middle east, and you will still have terrorists. That is why I say we need to close our borders and stay out of the whole mess. There is no way to win against an undefined enemy. In this case, I believe a good defense is the best solution.
    There are so many ways to strengthen this country that don't involve war. It's always easier to point the finger than to find our own faults and correct them. That is one reason I don't blame Bush completely for being where we are at. He was faced with an impossible situation. I think he made a poor decision, possibly based on incorrect evidence or outright lies based on someone else's agenda. Then again, maybe it was somewhat his agenda too. We will most likely never know. The point is, he had to do something, and it's not the American way to stand idley by after we are attacked (Just ask Japan). But what a mess we are in now! It still aggravates me when people are thinking emotionally about this. If there was ever a time we needed to be level-headed and assess a situation correctly, it is now. The cost will only increase with the wrong decision.
  15. sixtynine462

    sixtynine462 Guest

    Absolutely true! It's about time to cut off the rest of the world. We don't owe these people anything. They never even say thank you. If we should help anyone, it should be those who can't help themselves. I have no doubt we can find some people in this world that are hungry, tired, and on their last leg. Maybe we should start on the streets of America first though. Maybe bring some of those jobs back here from overseas... quit trying to bring the rest of the world up to our standards at the cost of our quality of life and economic stability.
  16. TuBBeD

    TuBBeD Well-Known Member

    If we isolate ourselves, 5 years from now we'll all be dead. A majority of these 2nd and 3rd world countries have the capability of using nuclear weapons on us and by 5 years they'll be able to deliver them. It's either we hunt them, or we be the hunted. With so many terriorists in our country as I speak, I feel it's too late to shut everyone off and not be attacked. We're so far deep into this that we'll probably never get out of it. Although I would love to tell all these countries that don't appreciate our help to go to hell and turn back, I think it's too late.
  17. sixtynine462

    sixtynine462 Guest

    Sad, but probably true. I still would rather take my chances. Start building up the military... think new cold war. I don't think we will have any success hunting these people down.

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