Is "Kruzen" dead in your area?

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by 3shields, Apr 13, 2005.


    TROSE11SECGN Boost is my drug

    Cleveland has it big time! We have Solon Cruise at the Commone (was on my classic car and meguiars car crazy/ barry was there last summer should be on this year sometime!). Have anabelles in mentor and mentor k mart, both every saturday night at 5pm gets a lot of cars. plus easy commute to detroit for woodwards (the best! :TU: ). Alive and well i have to say! Down here by the beach on nice weekends always nice street rods and musclecars from the snowbirds who come down as well as the locals! :beer
  2. 3shields

    3shields Let's go, MOUNTAINEERS!!!

    Solon is awsome

    I have had both my buicks up at Solon for the Cruise. My GN two years ago, and last year my Silver Stage fact, the same night Barry was there. It is quite the cruise in. We shot 6 rolls of photos and i dont think all of them have been developed yet.

  3. LARRY70GS

    LARRY70GS a.k.a. "THE WIZARD" Staff Member

    They don't close the lot at 7PM, they open it. We won't be allowed in until 7PM. This is so the LIRR commuters can get out of the lot. Ron called me today, and mentioned trying it out tomorrow. What do you say, Wanna bring one of the bad boys out?
  4. WUWU20

    WUWU20 Well-Known Member

    Sup Shields! Man, in the day (1982) we used to cruzz Valley Drive here in Beckley, 1984 the law broke it up for good, there is NO cruzzin round here that I know of, theres some folks the run main street in Oak Hill but it aint much, Valley Drive, we would have 5-600 cars parked along a 1 1/2 long road and close to 100 riding! I miss them days, wow the fun we had! :TU:
  5. Tufbuick

    Tufbuick Guest

    Don't the Voss Brothers still rule Route 231 on the weekends ????

    I know Kenny Voss scares the crap out of the ricers when he shows-up with the red car with the street slicks on it !!!!! A couple of stoplight hole shots will have the ricers cryin' for mercy
  6. Tufbuick

    Tufbuick Guest

    There is not to much street cruising going on because if they catch you doing something even remotely out of the ordinary they want to take your car.

    The Buick guys don't have to many Mopar, Chebby or Ford guys who want to be imbarresed by a good old fashioned a$$ WHOOOOOPIN" !!!!!!
    Sooooo, we usually head out to the beach late at night and let those BIG BLOCKS sing.

    Alan, Larry, Kenny, Jason, Bruno, Doug K.,Greg, Roy R., and myself could tell volumes of stories about racing each other on the 5 miles straight aways out at Jones Beach............(hit the rev limiter in high gear in my G.N. many times).
    Kenny and I got so carried away one night that we had to pull over and wait for Alan and Larry to catch up to us.......Big Block vs V-6.......WOW, that was some racin'.

    Lookin' foward to more of that this summer !!! :TU: :TU: :TU:
  7. 67cali riv

    67cali riv Well-Known Member


    here in the bay area all you see are remnence of were we used to kruze ,by that i mean the signs are clearly posted "crusin prohibited ".yah that sucks ! but thats what happens when the wrong element gets involved .back in the days the kruzin was happinin now weget them in after the car shows :pp
  8. 3shields

    3shields Let's go, MOUNTAINEERS!!!



    In the '80's, i have actually hopped in my 65 Chevelle, L79/4spd bench seat, and headed to Charleston, or Huntington to cruise and look for someone to "Mess" with. Usually back then, we looked for mustangs and mopars to beat up on. I must admit, a couple of mopars sent me home with a lighter wallet....but, the one car that used to infuriate me was just a black '87 Buick.......

    Well, I know now what that car was, and actually have the twin to it in my collection. That particular car is still in a local garage, with only 9000 miles on it. Someday I may talk that owner out of it also.....

    I know it's tail-lites well........... :Brow:


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