Just got an email from Ivan G (ArcDevilz)!

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by Smartin, Dec 12, 2003.

  1. Smartin

    Smartin Guest

    For those of you who remember Ivan, he is the owner of a very beautiful 71 LeSabre convertible. Early this summer, he left the v8buick scene to work on his other passion - lasers. He has been missed by many of the members who talked with him on a regular basis...

    I've kept in contact with him since he left the board, and I emailed him the other day jsut to see how things were going. And I realized I hadn't talked to him since Flint! So I sent him a bunch of pictures from this and the BCA website that Roberta posted.

    This was his reply:

    I just thought I would share that with you. It's nice to be able to talk to folks again when they've been away so long.

    I keep nagging him to come back to the board, but he appears to be very involved with other things.

    The first thing that caught my eye was his car....my car's twin!!!:beer

    Attached Files:

  2. 68 LeSabre 4dr

    68 LeSabre 4dr Well-Known Member


    Adam thats great Ivan emailed you . I often wonder how he is doing . Sounds like he's on a mission and he has always seemed to be a go getter . He will do great one day.

    I still remember his little plaque at the car show ! Funny moment. He was a proud Buick owner that day !

    When you hear from him please tell him we say Hello !!

    Thanx for the news !:laugh: :TU:
  3. RED GS 1

    RED GS 1 Well-Known Member

    I loved his Avatars,
    MMMMMMMM Taters! or others ,you know what I'm saying.:TU:
  4. Smartin

    Smartin Guest

    Definitely was a creative one when it came to avatars!:Brow:

    He's a fun guy....I'd love to actually meet him one day. I was hoping he'd make it to Flint, but that didn't happen. I don't think I'll be going to LA anytime soon.:Do No:
  5. rh455

    rh455 Well-Known Member

    I miss his avatars too. He used to come up with some crazy stuff. Cool guy.

    GSXMEN Got Jesus?

    Thanks for the update on Ivan!!:TU:

    Ivan's a good guy!!!:bglasses: :TU: Cyberbuick and I got to cruise around LA in his '71 conv. - really nice car!!!:cool: :cool: Perfect cruiser for LA. Top's always down...suns always shining!!

    First time out in his car, we all went down to FatBurger - really good burgers!! His treat no less!!:TU: :TU:

    Would have liked to have gotten the chance to ride in the car after he had gotten the heads done (for the 2nd time)!! It wasn't shabby before-hand!!:Brow:

    I look forward to looking those guys up - next time I get out there!!:TU: :bglasses: :beer

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