Lane changing

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by bw1339, Nov 2, 2018.

  1. steve covington

    steve covington Well-Known Member

    Been watching this off and on from early November. Most of the time, there are PLENTY of signs warning about lanes ending, often for a mile or so. Recently I saw an idiot in a Lexus try to 'zoom' a tractor trailer on a lane ending area. There were guard rails along the way because of an overpass pillar, plenty of signage, and yet this Bozo tried to shoot around a tractor trailer. Yep, you guessed it: One less Lexus on the road. He didn't make it to the rear wheels of the tractor, and it basically bounced the trailer over his pretty car. I stopped and waited for the SC Highway Patrol to tell the officer what I saw.
  2. Fox's Den

    Fox's Den 355Xrs

    The guy in the Olds is the idiot , he has a nice old car and trying to outrun the truck in a lane that is ending. I see this kind of crap all the time. I have had this done to me in my car when a left lane is ending in a construction zone, darn near run into my front end to cut me off at the last second. I put in a Garmin with camera heck with these a holes.

    The truck driver was trying to close up the lane but in the end he should have just let him go then gave him a blast of the horn for a half mile. That trucker probably just got tired of this crap which I know is everyday, I hear it from my brother who drives a dump truck. 75,000 lbs is supposed to stop when you cut in front of me and now you are making a right and He has to stop all of a sudden.

    Ding dong drivers, even for us 4 wheelers.
  3. John Codman

    John Codman Platinum Level Contributor

    There's an old airplane pilots adage that it takes a cascade of problems to lead to an accident. The original post is proof of this. I will agree with the group that believe that the primary issue was that the driver of the Olds has no brain, but the truck driver is a mini-mind too. I don't blame him for being PO'd, but his actions could have caused the death of one or more human beings. If I was El Presidente for life, the truck driver would never see a CDL with his name on it again. Ever.
    bw1339 likes this.
  4. 436'd Skylark

    436'd Skylark Sweet Fancy Moses!!!!!

    Agreed. Simple case of who is going to blink first. The olds was 90% in the wrong. At some point your basic instincts take over and you realize the truck out weighs the olds 10:1, at least. You know the olds is getting the worst of it and you hit the damn binders..

    I'd bet both of these drivers are the kind of guys who look for fights at every turn and like to bully/pressure their fellow man. The problem with living like that is you eventually get your clock cleaned, as the olds driver did in this situation

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