Last RockAuto purchase

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by 1973gs, Dec 4, 2020.

  1. Max Damage

    Max Damage I'm working on it!

    I had that same experience when Continental Airlines lost my guitar. They had forced me to check it, despite the fact that I had been traveling with it in the overhead for weeks (this was a long time ago).

    Then when I arrived at the other end, it was gone. No one knew where it was or could help me at all.

    I figured out where the corporate headquarters were and CALLED and asked for the CEO. After several gate keepers I actually reached him (did I mention this was a long time ago?). He listened to my brief story and said, "I am going to let you talk to Donna, she is the one that can fix this for you."

    The next day, a car pulled up in front of my home, and hand delivered the guitar to me.
    Dano likes this.
  2. Mark Demko

    Mark Demko Well-Known Member

    IIRC, the have a box you can type the problem your having with the part, I've never had any issues.
    Biggest thing that sucks about online ANYTHING is it has to be black or white, there can never be any extenuating circumstances, no gray areas as there is not a human there to rationalize and think.
    Most times yah gotta tell a white lie and just say "Wrong part"

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