living with pain!!

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by 72GSX, Jun 20, 2004.

  1. txgwildcat

    txgwildcat Guest

    Kill the Pain.
  2. MPRY1

    MPRY1 Gear Banger

    Hey thats a great idea... Want to let us all onto the secret of how? :rolleyes:
  3. 65WILDKAT


    Days Like today

    Days like today here in Pa. When it is raining out and leading up to the rain are the worst for me! I can always tell when it is going to rain a day or two before it does. Since my accident every joint and bones aches so bad that I do not want to get out of bed. None of the pain killers that they give me helps anymore. But I still get up and try and do my best each time,I will not let the pain keep me down.
    As I said before I broke every bone there is to break when I was thrown from my bike back in 99 and tumbled 289 feet down the highway crushing my left hip and fracturing my right one and both legs upper and lower parts and the same with my arms along with my collar bones and shoulder blades and then there is the internal organs that I tore or punctured with my broken ribs............Days like today remind me of the Doctors saying that I had a less then 2% chance of living........I am just happy to be alive to feel the pain and I know that it sounds crazy but I am ALIVE! I just wish sometimes the Driver of the Semi could feel what he did to me.....All in the name of Saving $45.75 an hour...............Jeesh!
  4. hi guys, we got another day of sucking air and smiling about it:laugh: :TU:
  5. leo455

    leo455 LAB MAN

  6. 65WILDKAT


    I second that AMEN!.............Ouch!.............I gotta move a little slower when I do that!:TU:
  7. we're getting old don. sometimes that shot we just got to take. i mean the good shot, not the one in the arm:beer :TU:
  8. 65WILDKAT


    Another thing.......

    Another thing that bothers me is when I go to the Doctors and as I sit in the waiting room and I have been going to a whole lot of different Doctors......Bone Docs and Hip and Knee Doc and Pain Clinics...I usually see the same people from time to time and I hear there Stories about how they are "MILKING" the system
    Like one person said is QUOTE " All I do is tell them that is has been really bothering me and just the other day I was stuck in bed for the Whole day" and then they just sign off on me staying out of work! Four people that I have gotten to know are proud of the fact that they can stay at home all day and collect a check and they feel justified for doing so! I was offered to take disability but I thought I could still contribute to the work force and I wanted to go back to work even after the Doc said that it would only be more painful for me but as a Man and a Father I felt I needed to show my children that you never give up with out at least trying!
    Now before any one Flames me ! I know that there are people that if they were to return to their job or any job it will just inflame their injury(s) but when there is nothing wrong with you and you have healed up be a Man about it and go back to work! It is making it hard for people that need to be on disability and also it makes it hard to get the Meds that We need to be able to function to give us some sort of relief.......It really makes want to :blast: these people for "MILKING" and laughing all the way to the bank!
    How many others feel the way I do or know someone who is doing this?

    BF2KNIGHT Buickless for now

    I can relate to constant pain. I was diagnosed with LUPUS 12 years ago. Similar to arthristis, it's an auto-immune disease. My bodies defenses are literally attacking my body. It manifests itself in the tendons and ligaments of the joints. I've been on low dose chemotherapy for 12 years now. I try to do my best and not let it stop me from doing things I love, but there are days when the pain is so bad in my knees or elbows that it's nearly impossible to move. I've become "ungraceful" and have a balance issue, especially with heights (like ladders) and my bones are becoming brittle due to 12 years of Prednisone...I break my little toes at least once every couple of months...just heals up, and blamo :eek2:
  10. 65WILDKAT


    I Hear you

    Since My New hip and pelvis plate was put in I have a calcium build up around the new hip and plate along with other bones that broke, I too Break my toes with out doing anything but walking sometimes!
    Remember That God will not give us more then we can handle! I would not wish this on even my worst enemy. What does not kill you will only make you stronger,
    I know that there are days that you say to yourself WHY EVEN BOTHER! I am not the type to just lay down and Quit! I can see from this thread that there are many like me, I have to say that I am proud to say that none of us are Quitters!
    I Would like to give all of us who live in pain a big:TU: for not quitting
    Like the song says "KEEP ON KEEPIN ON!!!!!:beer I pray for all of us who live in pain that some day we will be pain free even if it is just for a day!
  11. leo455

    leo455 LAB MAN

    65 Widcat You are right and applaude you, for you fortitude. I know a few people who take it to the bank. Thy make it hard on the people who are not able. I myself retired,but I run a boarding kennel and raise and train Labs. My biggest job though is the 3-year-old and the 1-yead old rugrats. The days when the stuff don't work I half to everyday rain or shine. Somewhere I get to work on my Buicks.:laugh:
  12. 65WILDKAT


    What do you guys think

    Here is a question I want to put out there:
    If you Know of someone who is milking the system do you feel it is right to turn them in or just let it go and let them take the free ride?
    Also do you feel it is not hurting anyone but the person doing it?
    I really want people to say what they really feel and not what they think should be the right answer:Comp:
  13. i agree with you don. i kept going back to work and kept going back to work until work finally gave out on me. told me i couldn't come back to work again until i was better than what i am. they told me i could go on ss several years ago. seven to be exact. but i went back to work got sick with cancer again and they offered it to me saying i will never be able to work right or move right. went back again. got sick again and they had to take more out last year in feb. went back again. cancer in august of last year again. cut me up, went back again. operation in feb of this year. they won't let me back to work. went to other places and aplied for jobs and no one i mean no one will hire me. i sit at home and do this.
    i think the only one that has seen me from this site is ted nagel and he'll tell ya i can stand straight, just walk slow and can't lift much.
    but now i can't get back in. so i went to the docs and told them all what i wanted was to get the ss and away it went. now the waiting period. i need to sell parts to keep busy and to support this internet thing to keep me talking to people or i will go nuts sitting in this house. i work on family cars in the garage with there help and my 14 year old son who by the way just loves to help, to keep me busy.
    i have no more way out. if i get ss i can go onto school and be setified in the work i have been doing for more than 15 years and then i figure i can go the extra and get sertified in a cad working job and get back into the game. otherwise i am stuck.
    milking the system as far as i am concerned--turn them in. if they need it to continue there education and get off the system---let them be
    i know of on person here that has carpal tunel to his wrists and got it. he has no friends anymore and does sit in his house. drinks and yells at his kids. he came by one day and i had to ask him to leave because he asked for a few bucks because his check wasn't on time. that sort of person i do not need around.
    on the other hand i do have a friend. lost his right arm to a motor cycle accedent. been on it for three years. he has one more year of school and he is excited to have found a job already and it is waiting for him as soon as he is out. that type of person is needed
  14. leo455

    leo455 LAB MAN

    Turn them in,if they are truely milking it. I don't have ss and I don't want it! I am tring to build a workable kennel like Wildrose or some of the others. I am trying to be self sufficent.
  15. sixtynine462

    sixtynine462 Guest

    It really sucks when the people who need this kind of help can't get it, and you see some worthless people who do. For all of you that have the problems, I feel for you. I think as we all get older and start experiencing new pains and aches, we're reminded just how bad it would be to not have the ability to work or do the things we enjoy.
    I have some back pain, but I also hate doctors. I guess when I can't move, someone will have to haul me to the hospital for whatever operation I'll need. My dad has had a couple in the last year, and they seemed to help him a lot.
  16. MPRY1

    MPRY1 Gear Banger

    The problem with trying to turn someone in that you suspect is milking the system is how do you know? You don't walk in there shoes. Just because they seem friendly and happy at therapy doesn't mean they are not going through there own living hell.
    I was told by one therapist that cleared me for full duty work and told me to my face that I was lieing about my pain levels, because I was friendly and nice to people during therapy. Three months later I was in Denver having a major surgery to try and fix the severe pain that I was "lieing" about.

    You can't always judge a book by the cover, just because people don't appear to be in the same pain as you doesn't mean they are not.

    Now if someone came out and told you right to your face that they are scamming then I would be all for ratting them out. I can honestly care less what other people are doing in regards to working or not. I have enough of my own problems to worry about.
  17. 65WILDKAT


    I was talking about those who have told me that they are pain free but want the "FREE PAYCHECK", The reason I get mad is because it does effect us who are working because we pay higher insurance premiums and higher taxes because of the "FREE LOADERS" I also have too many other worries in life to care about who works and who don't but I do care when I have to pay for them!
    I truly understand that pain come in many forms and I nor anyone else should judge who has the worst pain! Pain is Pain and it affects people differently, So I am all for helping those who need it. I am sorry to hear about your incompetent therapist, Plus the fact the way you have must felt when they told you that you were "FAKING IT" I am sure you must have gone thru a bunch of different emotions over it and now you are the one who had to pay the price for their ignorance, I am really sorry for that.

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