Lower heater deflector for '70 BB

Discussion in 'Parts wanted' started by larrybpsu, Aug 2, 2005.

  1. larrybpsu

    larrybpsu Land Yacht Driver

    I needed to replace the heater core in my Yacht, and the lower heater defelector (next to the carpet) crumbled when I removed it....

    I figure if someone knows of a BB '69 or '70, it'll probably work.

    Drop me a line if you can dig one up for me!

    Thanks Much!
  2. abodybill

    abodybill Well-Known Member

    i have a 1970 olds 98 in the barn if its the same.
  3. larrybpsu

    larrybpsu Land Yacht Driver

    I'll see if I can get you a picture of the part in question, and you can go from there.

  4. larrybpsu

    larrybpsu Land Yacht Driver

    Attached is the picture of the deflector baffle from my copy of the 70 assembly manual:

    It's either P/N 1370269 or 1371241, I'm not sure...the 225's didn't have a console, did they?

    Attached Files:

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