Mike Atwood B-day!

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by David Gramlow, Nov 20, 2003.

  1. :beer Happy 41st today Mike! If you haven't put the GS away for winter yet, this may be the last day you can lay down some rubber before winter kicks us in the rear this weekend, so enjoy! Hope you have a great day! By the way, do you have anything to report on that racing weekend in IA next year that you had mentioned a while back? :Brow:
  2. Bruce Hunter

    Bruce Hunter Well-Known Member

    Happy Birthday Mike, enjoy your day as you choose, a nice healthy burnout with the car will make you feel ten years younger!

    :beer :beer :bglasses:

  3. Yardley

    Yardley Club Jackass

    Hey Mike!

    :TU: :beer



    Hey Mike !!:beer

    Hope you have a great day!!!:TU:
  5. Captain Mark

    Captain Mark Well-Known Member

    Happy birthday dude!:)
  6. staged67gspwr

    staged67gspwr "The Black Widow"

    Happy B-day Mike.:beer :beer :beer :TU:
  7. SmittyDawg

    SmittyDawg Need another garage....

    Have a GREAT birthday, Mike!:beer
  8. buickdav

    buickdav Kris' other half.

    WELL, WELL, WELLLLLLLLLL.............

    What can I say here ? hummmmmmmmmm. :Brow: . Ok....how about just a big Happy B-Day to our Great Plains Challenge Track photo expert .

    Hope you have a great day and thanks for everything you have done to help me out personally in the past. I am a better person for knowing ya buddy, and hope I can return the favor someday. The day is yours man, enjoy it.

  9. TXGS

    TXGS Paint by numbers 70 GS 455 4spd

    Happy Birthday Mike!
  10. Marco

    Marco Well-Known Member

    Happy birthday Mike, and everyone else today :TU:

  11. 69GS400s

    69GS400s ...my own amusement ride!

    :beer Enjoy your day :beer
  12. Mike Atwood

    Mike Atwood The Green Machine

    Thanks everyone for the B-day wishes! It's been a tough year personally, but I look forward to turning 39 next year :Brow: and spending more time with friends like you guys when I can.

    Thanks again! :TU: :beer

  13. GSXMEN

    GSXMEN Got Jesus?

    Happy Birthday Mike!!:TU: :bglasses: :beer Would that make it the 2nd anniversary of turning 39?:Brow:
  14. Scott King

    Scott King Well-Known Member

    Happy birthday Mike!!!
  15. 9secStage1

    9secStage1 Worlds Fastest GS Stage 1

    Happy Birthday:beer Enjoy your day!
  16. Mike Atwood

    Mike Atwood The Green Machine

    Thanks,.....car is in the garage...was "almost" nice enough to think about digging it out, but then I would have to just get it all put back away again......

    It was a gougeous<sp> day though....65* and sunny........ wow!

    Thanks :beer

  17. Sheesh, I gotta move to IA, it was 40 tops here today.
  18. Smartin

    Smartin Guest

    Happy Birthday Mike!!

    It was sunny and 75* here today....definitely good for some Buick burnouts and ricer kills.

    Do you ever just want to throw a grappling hook at those wings and drive off?:laugh:
  19. Mike Atwood

    Mike Atwood The Green Machine

    Sometimes! But what is even better is giving them a little head start then blowing by them and watching their neck snap trying to watch. It looks alot like the Exorcist sans the pea soup. hahhaah....priceless! :laugh:

  20. rex362

    rex362 paint clear and drive



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