More London Bombings?

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by flynbuick, Jul 21, 2005.

  1. Dan Healey

    Dan Healey Well-Known Member

    Peace Talks...

    Just what happened to the "Muslim" guy from Egypt that was trying to talk peace with his "fellow Muslim brothers" in Al Kida??? Forgot, they killed him too, basically because he was against the killing of civilians and wanted to work out a peaceful solution... The real problem, the enemy doesn't want a Peaceful solution!

    So what else is left to do? And yes, we can go Nuking, though that would be a direction to go in. Though I like the idea of sending in special forces on hit squads,:Brow: the problem is it would be perceived as a U.S. German "SS" squad, so in the long run it would fail too.

    For one, we need to STOP letting captured combatants out of jail, and start military trials, swiftly excute those found guilty of terrorism. Go after the "Muslim proclaimed clerics" that teach the hate... That would be a good start. :grin:
  2. GNflyby

    GNflyby The Video Guy

    Maybe I feel so strongly about this subject because between the 911 disaster and this war we have going, I've lost three family members, so forgive me for being so aggressive when it comes to this subject. I just want to know when I could stop sacrificing my family so that these people could come to my country and live the good life that my family members are dying for! If thats not a kick in the teeth I dont know what is. Its a good thing for them that Im not the one with the finger on the button, because we would not be having this conversation. We should get a gigantic sign and spread it across the entire country, and it should say Kick Me Again.
    Because we seem to be getting good at taking crap from other countries. Im sure were not the only ones saying God Bless America, these terrorist must love this country. We just keep turning the other cheek, and coming back for more! This is just like cops and robbers, the cops have to follow the rules, but not the robbers. I just pray that my brother makes it back home alive, Im tired of going to funerals!!!
  3. Andrew Skidmore

    Andrew Skidmore Well-Known Member

    What I meant by shock and AAAWWWW was not to nuke anyone. I am speaking figuratively about finding these targets like we are now and dropping these 500lb bombs on them. If you look at some websites you will find some interesting footage of the war in Afganistan and Iraq. Shown in the footage they show the effectivness of these smart bombs while minimizing civilian causualties. Civilian causualties are going to happen, and as far as the new technology we have had, I think it has proven itself pretty dang good so far considering we have the best kill to death ratio of any war we have fought as the U.S so far. That alone does mean a lot. When it comes to having relatives and close friends over seas in the middle east I have over a handful of them, and of course we can only pray they find their way home, even after they are forced to serve extended duty. Here in Oregon I believe you will find our death toll well above the national average in military causualties. The Oregon National Guard has lost severe #'s of our men since they are not in the direct line of fire, but delievering supplies and what not and are being bombed in the process. Of course we all know each of our states are in this together, and the numbers in each one is rising consistantly.

    RACEBUICKS Midwest Buick Mafia

    I agree!~
    Thats what they say about us too!!! So we might as well return the favor before they hurt us again !!!
  5. Ken Mild

    Ken Mild King of 18 Year Resto's

    While Nukes would be great, the countries where terrorists hide out are way way to great in number to turn them all into glass.

    It was different in the 40's. We were the only ones with nukes. What was anyone else going to do about it?

    Political correctness did not exist back then. That's WHY we won the war.

    Today all the politicians, including the president (yes, I said it. Me a Bush "supporter"), can't get their heads out of their a$$e$ long enough to see that any day now, a suitcase nuke could go off in Chicago or anywhere else and change life forever as well.

    Why have a "border" at all when all you have to do is basically walk into the US unscathed, have a baby, claim automatic citizenship and then blow people up?

    If I were a terrorist, all I would do is walk over the border like all the Mexicans do. That way, I know I would never get caught. At least my chances of getting caught would be slim.

    I'm ranting like crazy, but I am sick of sitting and waiting for the next 9-11. It's coming, bank on it.
  6. GNflyby

    GNflyby The Video Guy

    Your absolutely right Ken, this is not the 40s, those pu**y wimps we have running the country right now are no good for nothing! The men in government in the 40s would have stomped a hole in their a$$es long ago! The real men are right now fighting for their country in a country that doesnt deserve it, and hates us with a passion. What ever happened to honor and the American way?! Now its Bush country, everybody gets to screws us.
  7. Truzi

    Truzi Perpetual Student

    Well said Chris, as always.

    Wow, I'm happy no one on this board has yet defended the KKK. Surprised, but happy.

    Fighting fire with fire makes both sides equal in depravity. If we become just like our enemies, we have lost - but few seem to get that point.

    RACEBUICKS Midwest Buick Mafia

    well not to start anything but how would you talk to a group of people who want to kill you. They want you dead plain and simple. What could anyone say to them that would change their mind? There is nothing to say, they are brought up beleiving Alah wants anyone who doesnt beleive in him to be killed. So if you dont beleive in Alah you are a target to kill.
  9. StreetStrip

    StreetStrip Well-Known Member

    Its sad but when it comes to terrorist today. Its kill or be killed. They have no other goal then to kill us while they kill themselves. For the selfish reason of going to heaven where 72 virgins await them.

    Now if there was a promise of 72 Buicks, hhhhhmmmmmmmm JK
  10. Truzi

    Truzi Perpetual Student

    I'm not talking about the terrorists, I'm speaking to those who suggest eradication of entire groups of people based on region, religion, race, etc. The mindless killing en-masse in the hopes of getting some of the few radicals.

    Believing all of a group of people think the same way, and wanting to kill them for it, is doing exactly what that group is being accused of.

    My view of the terrorists, on the other hand... well, there is enough blood talk on here already.
  11. StreetStrip

    StreetStrip Well-Known Member


    I don't blame the free press. I blame who ever set it up that the press must turn a profit to be able to report good news. If its not shocking, you wont turn in and they can't make add dollars.
  12. Truzi

    Truzi Perpetual Student

    I tend to blame the people who won't tune in if its not shocking.
  13. Andrew Skidmore

    Andrew Skidmore Well-Known Member

    These idiots profit in the first place lays out that they should not kill. They had a show on t.v. awhile back and they interviewed a group of younger women and a group of younger men from Afganistan, both groups seperated from each other during interview. They both told of how they were brought up to believe in these killings because it was what their profit wanted. Well once they were confronted about their book they follow,( I can't remember what they call it) and what is says about killing and they did not know what to say. They were not sure if it was the truth or not. So they just believed these bright people who told them what to do about killing and going, and that they would go to heaven or in my words their hell.
  14. MikeM

    MikeM Mississippi Buicks

    I'm glad to see the bombs are getting smaller. If they continue to improve the design so the bomb is just big enough to blow up the terrorist and not hurt anybody else it will be perfect.
  15. Truzi

    Truzi Perpetual Student

    I was impressed with the technology during the first Gulf "war." Those cruise missles practically checked ID before going off. Or in Bosnia, with the carbon filaments that shorted the power grid. Not "high" technology but ingenious.
  16. StreetStrip

    StreetStrip Well-Known Member

    London police admit they killed an innocent man.

    But what kind of dumb-butt keeps running when the cops tell them to stop???

    I am sure when he got to heaven he ask GOD "Why did they kill me."
    And GOD said, "Why did you keep running?"
    He said " I dunno, I was scared."
    GOD "That why they shot you. They were scared too."

    Don't be so dumb.

    Don't run from cops or towards cops.
    They will have no choice but to assume the worse and act as such.
    Especially if your a dumb-butt in a big over coat, looking like a bomber, days after a bombing. Who doesn't stop when told to.

    Your sort of asking to be shot. As only someone with a reason would keep running. They had chased him for a while. Then ran to a train, where he would probably detonate his bomb. So they killed him so he could not set it off. Even a tackled terrorist could set off a bomb. Who knows how it was rigged.
  17. Bad Boattail

    Bad Boattail Guest

    Police in the UK normally don't carry pistols, so why should you stop ?

    In the Netherlands you even have the right to tell a police officer in the face that you think that he's an idiot. That's freedom of speech, and expressing your own thoughts.

    No trigger-happy law enforcement here, and it's working because guns are not allowed :TU:
  18. 78ParkAvenue

    78ParkAvenue LED Interior Lighting

    I wonder if the police in the UK will be issued handguns now because of the bombings?
  19. MikeM

    MikeM Mississippi Buicks

    James, I think you should be a little less cavalier about the "running" thing.

    One of my neighbor's sons was killed when he tried to run away from a policeman some years ago. He had a joint in his pocket and didn't want to get in trouble.

    If everyone who ever tried to lose a policeman who was trying to give them a speeding ticket got shot at there would be a few people missing from this board. I might not have made it to 21.

    It's not that black and white. Sometimes when people get scared they do irrational things. The police need to be trained to deal with it by other means than using fatal force. I question whether all these police in UK who were just issued weapons have had all the training and policy guidance they should have to be allowed to use them. Seems unlikely to me there was time to do that yet.
  20. MBTex

    MBTex Well-Known Member

    I would bet that the police that are issued guns in the UK are not standard LAW enforcement Hand have had plenty of training. Given the circumstances it may be tragic, But I do not fault the police the guy came out of an area that was under surveilance regarding the recent bombings. He is wearing suspicous clothing and fails to stop when ordered to then jumps the turnsteils and runs on the subway. From what I am told they are told to shoot to kill when they suspect a suicide bomber to prevent him from setting off bomb.

    And there is a big difference from telling the cops off and running in this situation. Believe me that the cops Here in US take alot of verbal abuse and are not shooting people over it. It has nothing to do with if they are armed or not. This is all I am going to say. Because I am not going to get into a big debate on gun control.

    I am just angry that people are faulting law enforcement in this no win situation.

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