Most embarrassing event in your life?

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by GNflyby, Jul 24, 2005.

  1. GNflyby

    GNflyby The Video Guy

    What would be the most embarrassing situation in your life?

    I was in a coffee shop and wanted to use the toilet and I looked around and I saw a corridor in front of me with people sitting their having their coffees, so I get up and started walking towards the corridor, but it wasnt a corridor it was just mirrors the management put up, what I was seeing was a reflection of the room I was already in, so I walk up to it and started to push the mirror thinking it was a door, when I finally figured out it was a huge wall mirror, I put my head down and walked out, and it was full of people which was embarrassing.[​IMG]
  2. Dana/Beth Andrews

    Dana/Beth Andrews Huc accedit zambonis!

    While vacationing with my mom & dad as a kid, we were in Colonial Williamsburg at a pub, lucky enough to be sitting at a table once owned by the father of our country George Washinton........... :Smarty:
    I spilled my big tall glass of milk all over the table thereby emberrasing my folks perhaps more than they could have ever imagined. :Dou:
    It also sealed my fate in life to be the spill-king I am today. :laugh:

    D. :rolleyes:
  3. Yardley

    Yardley Club Jackass

    I would recount my top 5, but nobody on this board has enough $$$ to pay for the therapy they'd need to recover from the horror.

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