My Current and Past Buicks

Discussion in 'Members Rides' started by presto, Feb 28, 2011.

  1. presto

    presto Member

    So personally I am into more of the hot rod scene but I do enjoy cruising around it a Buick every once in awhile. I just turned 18 and I'm already on my 3rd classic Buick, I've had lots of other cars but most get sold of to fund a current project.

    This is the first car I ever had. I bought it when I was 14 and every time I see a picture of it I kick my self in the nuts for ever selling it. I never really got a chance to enjoy that car because I didn't have my license but I had a good time making it look pretty.

    This next Buick....well I should probably be ashamed of it, but it could do really good burn outs :pp

    Now this is my current project I'm working on in my auto collision class at my high school. It's a 71 skylark with a 350 and an auto trans, it's nothing special really but at least it will look good in Cortez Gold with the white interior.



    I'll make sure to update with progress pictures as I go along. Today I started getting all the surface rust off the hood. The is actually in really good condition I just have to fix a bit of rust around the rear window and on one of the front fenders.

    And just so everyone knows that the car is in good hands (and I like to brag a litte) here is a picture of the car I did all the body work on and painted for my dad before I started working on the buick.

  2. bhambulldog

    bhambulldog 1955 76-RoadmasterRiviera

    Cool. I'll be interested in seeing the progression. Nice job; the Chevy looks good!
    Good Luck with your Skylark!:TU:

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