my sooper kewl tyte single orange backup lite mod

Discussion in 'Sparky's corner' started by BamaWildcat, Oct 23, 2005.

  1. Yo dawgs, I was sittin around thinkin of what would make my Buick mad tyte yo, and I thoughts of a kewl single orange backup lite mod! Check out the pix! It is teh win!


    Real story: Decided to throw some backup lights on "Sherman", my project car tonight. Mounted both assemblies into the bumper, and one lit, the other not. Then the lit unit turned off. I removed the lit one, and fiddled with it forever, as I thought it was a grouding problem. After all the fiddling, removed the cover, and found a blackened bulb. Guess all that time being off shortened its new life when "on". Go to the shed, grab another bulb from my toolbox. Stick it in, no light. Must be ground. Fiddle with all ground related junctions. Take out the assembly (huge pain) and bring it to the bench. Find out a "known good" bulb from my toolbox was dead. Didn't see any problem with the filament, and the bulb looks new, but would not make light even connected directly to the power supply. Put assembly back in, and the only bulb I have in the style I need to test it is amber, so in it goes.

    So currently, Sherman only has one back up light, and it is amber. It will be replaced probably Thursday night. The other assembly had a bulbs end completely rot in it, and that was a sight to see. Between the solder blob in the middle of the bulb to the brass surround, the insulating material was completely gone in the base of the bulb. Now I've seen it all!

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