New 67 quarter panels?

Discussion in 'Repro Parts' started by 67skylark, May 7, 2011.

  1. 67skylark

    67skylark Darryk

    Hi guys, just wondering if anyone has tried the quarter panel skins from noram? (Sorry, I cant post links yet) I don't know if there new or not, but as it sits, I've been without quarters for over a year and am now desperate! I bought some of the p.o.s ones from cross canada parts, but I'm not really going for the "my quarters were hand formed in Asia and now my car looks like $h!t" look, so they have long since been scrapped. Any ideas guys, or am I looking at another few years in the barn?
  2. TODD'S 67

    TODD'S 67 Time for another Buick!

  3. RG67BEAST

    RG67BEAST Platinum Level Contributor

    Post some pictures of the rust damage.
  4. 67skylark

    67skylark Darryk

    Oh theres no rust, I cut it all out years ago! My problem now is that I have no quarter panels to speak of. I originally cut it up thinking I would be able to slap the new panels on and weld em' up, but when I tried fitting the crappy patches the fit up was just horrible, no joke... I'm at a point now though where if these panels are remotely usable, then I'll take a chance on them. Another questions lads, what have you guys been doing with the drop-offs, can we do something with metal or is glassing it the only option?

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