new project

Discussion in 'Members Rides' started by ynotbuick, Aug 20, 2013.

  1. ynotbuick

    ynotbuick Platinum Level Contributor

    IMG_1650.jpg My uncle bought this 68 firebird in 1970. It's an original sprint 6 with a manual 3 speed, he later added the 400 hood but the rest is original. Plans are for a 400 and a 4 speed he gave me with the purchase but will keep the original drive train in the corner in case someone ever wanted to go original again. I have been on him for the last 3 years to sell it to me as he hasn't done anything with it in the last 20 some plus years. Last month he finally agreed it was time for some one to do something with it as he lost interest in it. A quick trip to Seattle last week it is now mine and can't wait to get it restored. Still have my 71 GS of 27 years and have no plans of parting with it or the bird for many years to come.

    IMG_1649.jpg IMG_1646.jpg IMG_1645.jpg
  2. TheSilverBuick

    TheSilverBuick In the Middle of No Where

    That is rough, but not impossible to clean up.

    If you are ever interested in parting with the six cheap let me know. Never know when I could use a third spare.
  3. 69GS400s

    69GS400s own amusement ride!

    ... that was almost my first car back when I was 17 - same year, same motor/trans. I bought a motorcycle instead .. guy wanted $900 and I only had $500 saved up

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