painting over clear?

Discussion in 'Color is everything!' started by 72 riviera, Apr 16, 2006.

  1. 72 riviera

    72 riviera Marty Anderson

    I just painted my car with basecoat clearcoat on Sat. I have an accent stripe that has a problem. My question is can I scuff it up and reshoot basecoat then clear over it, or do I need to shoot primer over it first? . If I can what grit paper would you recommend? Do I need to sand all of the clear off or can I paint the base over the clear? Would I need to do it within any time period from painting. The paint is about 24 hours old right now. Any quick response would be appreciatted. Thanks: Marty
  2. staircasesurfer

    staircasesurfer Alex Prins

    yes you can scuff your clear and re-base if need be. once done with your repair i suggest you reclear the whole panel so you dont have to deal with blending issues.
  3. 72 riviera

    72 riviera Marty Anderson

    Thanks for the help!

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