Painting question

Discussion in 'Color is everything!' started by 72 riviera, Apr 10, 2006.

  1. 72 riviera

    72 riviera Marty Anderson

    I have jambed my car and doors and was wondering what I need to do to prepare the body panels where the overspray is. I plan on wet sanding the car with 320 and want to make sure that doing this over the overspray (base and clear) is sufficient. I want to make sure that there will be no reaction when I spray the base and clear over the oversprayed part. Any advice would be appreciatted. Thanks: Marty
  2. xtremepaint

    xtremepaint Mustang guy

    I wouldn't go with 320. The scratches might show. I would use 400 or 600. Shouldn't be any reaction either. Just make sure you dont feel the edge of the paint and you will be fine.
  3. 72 riviera

    72 riviera Marty Anderson

    Thanks: I talked to my paint supplier and he recommended 600 wet.

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