Parking Lot Issues

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by fastest430, Feb 24, 2005.

  1. fastest430

    fastest430 Well-Known Member

    What is your project's name/slogan?

    Green is getting greener- 70 Skylark,w/455.
    Last edited: Feb 25, 2005
  2. 69GS400s

    69GS400s own amusement ride!

    BigRed is getting Bigger.....cant get much redder

    Here's the old motor


    Here's the BIGGER part

  3. Floydsbuick

    Floydsbuick Well-Known Member

    My projects name? I call it "Big stupid money sucking useless piece of crappola built from components that any smart guy woulda left in the junkyard that I found them"
  4. Tufbuick

    Tufbuick Guest

    My projects name is called........"GOT WAX" !!!!!!!

    (and I need lot's of it!!!!!!!!!!!)

    Attached Files:

  5. Annie Oakley

    Annie Oakley Well-Known Member

    See signature.....

    ....AKA "The Blank Check Project"
  6. Dana/Beth Andrews

    Dana/Beth Andrews Huc accedit zambonis!

    Your going to need that to beat me Alan. :pp :pp :laugh: :laugh: :moonu:

    Beth :grin:

    MR.BUICK Guest

    My project doesn't have a name yet but a good statement it would make would be this:"a car that is worth maybe 100 dollars with a load of rust and it's one of those "cars that can't be repaired or restored", can be restored". It's going to make a personal statement for sure. Just goes to show that a car with so many rust spots and quirks can be restored, no matter what. :bglasses: I'll find a name soon enough. :laugh:
  8. fastest430

    fastest430 Well-Known Member

    These are some of the best project names I have heard so far! :)
  9. Yardley

    Yardley Club Jackass

    Around my house it is known as simply, "The Buick".
  10. skyphix

    skyphix Well-Known Member

    About the same here, although I think most of my friends secretly call it the "garage space waster" since I havent driven it or touched it in almost a year

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