Pets, whos got em.

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by GoldBoattail455, Jul 29, 2004.

  1. mechacode

    mechacode Well-Known Member

    Looks like buddy exploded in the second pic there Danie. What's the pups name Ed?
  2. EEE

    EEE Straight out of lo-cash!

    We used to have two birds living in the garage. They had a baby on top of the light tubes, then we put on an extra cardboard piece under their nest so they wouldn't crap on the cars, and they moved out. They didn't like it anymore since they couldn't see the ground I think.

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  3. Topless64-455

    Topless64-455 Well-Known Member


    That is Tyson, he is 2 and is the nicest pit bull unless he is in the car and I am not there. Then he has a change of heart if anybody tries approach the car.:Brow:
  4. W Emmott

    W Emmott Well-Known Member

    I Have 3 Dogs & 3 Cats & Lots of Fish.
    Wayne E.
  5. blown455

    blown455 Pit crew

    I need to take "Several Fish" off my list of pets. When we got back from Salem OH our fish were sick and none of the medicine helped. I'm down to 4 out of 30. :ball:

    Watching fish die is the worst,,,,, can't do a darn thing for them.
  6. PolishBuickGuy

    PolishBuickGuy Buick Noob

    Re: name that doggie !!

    Hey, I'm the first one with a boxer. Her name is Cora, the gray cat is Szarek, and the calaco cat is Burek, anyone want to guess what the names mean?:Brow:

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  7. nailed

    nailed gone racing

    Heres our oldest Musko

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  8. nailed

    nailed gone racing

    and his son Luke, Musko and Luke are part wolf,malamute and siberrian

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  9. nailed

    nailed gone racing

    then there are the wild cats, the origianl Dr. Pepper
    stray someone left at our mailbox

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  10. nailed

    nailed gone racing

    little Miss Riviera

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  11. nailed

    nailed gone racing

    Skylark, Skylark and Riviera are strays from work

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  12. nailed

    nailed gone racing

    our youngest Raven, left over from a pergnant stray passerby last winter

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  13. blown455

    blown455 Pit crew

    Re: Re: name that doggie !!

    so, what do the names mean??
  14. Ratz

    Ratz Well-Known Member

    I've got 2 German sherpards that work with me at the jail,my first one is Argo and we have been partners for 8 years,he's 11 and going to retire in Oct.The second one is Pilot,he's 4,I just got him 2 monthes ago.Both are 85 lbs,and I don't have to worry about the kids bringing in any drugs in the house,but their friends have to be pre-warned.

    Mark Ratzmann
    1961 Special Wagon
  15. Jeff B

    Jeff B Active Member

    Here's the dog. Her name's Moondog, and she's a 6 year old beagle. She's not too smart, and doesn't do much. I've always said that if she ever went to a school for dogs, she'd be in the special ed class. But we love her, and I've probably taken 500 pictures of her, so deciding on one took quite a while...

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  16. Jeff B

    Jeff B Active Member

    Here's the friendly neighborhood bird of prey. It comes bye every once in a while to say hi. It's usually very hard to get a pic of it, usually by the time I get my camera out, it's already gone. Luckily, my father looked out the window one afternoon, spotted it finishing up a meal, and took a quick picture before it flew off.

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  17. blown455

    blown455 Pit crew

    Cool pic! We have a red tailed hawk living in one of our evergreens. A year ago right after we moved into our house. I walked up to the front door to find this Hawk sitting on the front step with a squirrel in it's grasp!! It did hang around long enough to sneak around back to get in and get the camera.... I just can't find the pics now :Do No: It was a cool sight even if the poor squirrel was getting ripped apart. Rod's hoping one day it will take out the cats :mad:
  18. GoldBoattail455

    GoldBoattail455 462 -> TH400 -> Posi

    Re: Re: name that doggie !!



    Burek- is Polish for Mongrel.

    Thats about all i know. :) Those cats look cool sitting out on the lawn, almost like wild cats.

    Paul, Skylark and Riviera are pretty cute. :TU:
  19. PolishBuickGuy

    PolishBuickGuy Buick Noob

    Cora means Bark in polish, so thats why we called her that, she's 9 years old

    Szarek is also polish, it means gray.

    And burek is also a type of color which i dont know, its weird how all our pets are named on how they look. Those 2 cats are half wild, right there in that picture he is actually playing with a chipmunk, my mom hates those things

    This picture is Burek"s son, his name is Rudy. lol

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  20. GoldBoattail455

    GoldBoattail455 462 -> TH400 -> Posi

    I guess the cats wrestle together?:Brow: :pp

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