power steering pump

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by BADDABUICK, Oct 3, 2004.


    BADDABUICK Well-Known Member

    Hi I need to buy a replacement pump and was curious to see who you guys purchased from it's for my 71 GS. also what the finish is supposed to be on the pump painted or just cleared to retain natural finish.
  2. BadBrad

    BadBrad Got 4-speed?

    I've never seen them in anything other than semi-gloss black. They are usually repainted by the reman guy. Since its a very common GM pump found on literally millions of GM cars you can usually buy it just about anywhere although anymore you often have to order it. Make sure you only fill it with Dextron ATF. To change it out plan on using/borrowing a two or three jaw pulley puller since they come sans pulley.

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