Problem with the board?

Discussion in 'Tips On Using The Board' started by r0ckstarr, Apr 27, 2005.

  1. r0ckstarr

    r0ckstarr Well-Known Member

    This is the 2nd time it has happened to me. Im not complaining, but rather posting this up in hopes to prevent a board crash, future errrors, or whatever. How I got the error is: Ill be typing a post for a thread, and when I hit submit, this comes up... Then again, it could be my browser acting up since im using IE..

  2. Smartin

    Smartin Staff Member

    I am wondering why the threads I read aren't marked as "read" when I have read them already. Most of the time, the board knows what I have looked at already, and will not BOLD the thread titles.

    EDIT: It's working now :rolleyes:
  3. r0ckstarr

    r0ckstarr Well-Known Member

    It did that to me late last night. I think it may have something to do with cookies though.
  4. Truzi

    Truzi Perpetual Student

    When I get that I just wait a few seconds and hit refresh - then it works fine. It doesn't happen to me that often, though.
  5. Bad Boattail

    Bad Boattail Guest

    I'm wondering for years when they will change the word durring into during,
    in the message you get when the board is under construction :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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