q jet wanted 7026242

Discussion in 'The Mixing shop.' started by THEGSX, May 29, 2007.


    THEGSX Professional 66 GS Nut !!

    whos got one its for a 1966 nailhead

    email me thegsx@aol.com


    THEGSX Professional 66 GS Nut !!

    So here I am lookin for this carb...which is rarer than a Stage 1 carb...and out of the blue they guy who had my car 20 yrs ago...called me randomly and had the original 7026242 carb..and asked me if I wanted it for free....what are the chances of that !!!!! For you guys who want to know...it fits a 1966 Buick GS L76 A9 option quadrajet...:Brow:

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