radiator re-core...acidic coolant

Discussion in 'The Big Chill' started by lemmy-67, Feb 24, 2012.

  1. lemmy-67

    lemmy-67 Platinum Level Contributor

    Well, looks like those years I didn't drive the BBB that often were more harmful than originally thought. The old antifreeze I'd had in there over the years did a number on the radiator, and it started seeping. It wasn't too bad...just a few drops from the driver-side tank after driving, but when I took the radiator in for a rebuild on Wednesday, the mechanic said the cores were shot. All the solder was coming undone, and several of the rows were clogged. Last year, my water pump went out...was probably related to the old antifreeze as well. The mechanic reiterated that coolant should be replaced yearly to keep it from going acidic and eating at things.

    So now, I have the Modine unit re-cored and ready to go back in. I didn't even know Modine went out of business 2 years ago.
  2. lemmy-67

    lemmy-67 Platinum Level Contributor

    Everything is now back in place. I also took the opportunity to install the 100-amp alternator I'd gotten some time ago...a necessary upgrade to power the dual-amp stereo system which I had installed. No leaks, new hoses all around, also new A/C and alternator belts. Nothing is leaking, and the engine stays cool.

    I'll post some pictures of the new setup. If anybody is interested in a chrome single-groove alternator pulley & fan, send me a PM.

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