Rebuild Kits

Discussion in 'The Venerable Q-Jet' started by 70RivBeastie, Jan 3, 2005.

  1. 70RivBeastie

    70RivBeastie Member

    Hi All,

    I'm having some trouble finding a rebuild kit for a Q-jet because I don't want to get the wrong one. Can anyone suggest a good place to get a rebuild kit for the Rochester 4MV and does the edelbrock 1910 rebuild kit work on these original carbs?

    Thanks Much
    Eric Bergstrom
  2. Roberta

    Roberta Buick Berta

    You might want to check this out(not cheap)
    The Quad Shop
    Also there's a bunch of Q-jet rebuilt kits on Ebay at this time. Most of the rebuild kits are about the same, you should use the Chassis Manual for your car for more detailed info, though. I rebuilt one for a '68 350 on the kitchen table in the middle of winter one time, what fun! Glad it wasn't my mom's kitchen, but mine! From an old (10/81) Delco catalog, the carb kit for a '70 Riv Q-jet is 9189, maybe that helps.
  3. tlivingd


    you take your carb number (the code stamped onto the side) into NAPA and they can get you a decent carb rebuild kit. I picked up mine that worked perfectly for my 70 q-jet and came with 2 diffrent carb to intake gaskets.
  4. Schurkey

    Schurkey Silver Level contributor

    There are so many variations of Q-jet parts it would be MOST unlikely that an Edelbrock 1910 kit would fit anything but another Edelbrock Q-Jet.

    My preference is Standard/Hygrade "Jiffy Kit", but I've used 'em all with success.
  5. Nicholas Sloop

    Nicholas Sloop '08 GS Nats BSA runner up

    I prefer the tables at the Scottish Inn in BG. Just the right size to lay out all your parts, but keep everything within reach. The white wash cloths are good for keeping smaller parts from rolling around, too!!! :laugh:
  6. buick at heart

    buick at heart Well-Known Member

    rebuild a q jet

    when you rebuild a q jet be sure to get a new float and new pull offs. just thought. jerry :Smarty:
  7. Smartin

    Smartin Staff Member

    Also make sure all passages are cleaned and blown out with air before you put it back together.
  8. 70RivBeastie

    70RivBeastie Member

    Re: Rebuilding Carb

    Thanks all for the advice. I did go to NAPA Nate and they had the right kit there in like 3 hours, thanks! I did also pick up a new float, I figured the old one might be going even though it wasn't showing too many signs of it, just age.

    This leads to my next question though. Now that I have the carb off the engine and have had a chance to really look it over I have found what may be a problem. It definitely has the rear vacuum assembly hooked up to the choke but it has no front vacuum assembly. I am unsure whether it should have one or not. It's a '70 4MV with the choke mounted in the manifold. Should it have the front vacuum assembly?

  9. buick at heart

    buick at heart Well-Known Member


    did the carb come originally with 2 pull offs? i think the carb number should tell the parts man if it did. jerry :Do No:
  10. Nicholas Sloop

    Nicholas Sloop '08 GS Nats BSA runner up

    Most certainly, yes!
  11. 70RivBeastie

    70RivBeastie Member

    Hi All,

    Just wanted to let everyone know, I got the carb rebuilt plus the front vacuum break and rod and got it back on the car. After some fiddling with the battery connection (it was broken at the starter :) we got the car running and it runs great now. Thanks for all the help!!!!!


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