Rechromed Front Bumper for 68 Skylark

Discussion in 'Parts for sale' started by UnseenGSX, Oct 6, 2012.

  1. UnseenGSX

    UnseenGSX Well-Known Member

    I have a bumper that I sent to Tri City to have re done and decided to go fiberglass instead so I am selling it for what I have in it 75.00 for the core and 475.00 for rechroming. Total 550.00. Picture later today.
  2. UnseenGSX

    UnseenGSX Well-Known Member

    Here is a picture more can be added if needed

    Attached Files:

  3. Roberta

    Roberta Buick Berta

    What's the back side look like? Would you bring to BG?
  4. UnseenGSX

    UnseenGSX Well-Known Member

    The back side is nice other than where they use the tools to straighten it out. I am not going to BG but can send it with Doug, I am sure he won't mind. Here is a picture.

    Attached Files:

  5. Roberta

    Roberta Buick Berta

    Have you tried it on the car? Just wondering cause I've had problems in the past with them fitting correctly! Thanks
  6. UnseenGSX

    UnseenGSX Well-Known Member

    I did not try it I have the whole car apart, I never had a problem in the past when sending them out to be chromed and fitting correctly afterward. I do understand the concern though. I can always send it and you can look at it.
  7. UnseenGSX

    UnseenGSX Well-Known Member


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