Revealing study about scientific research not getting its required double-checking

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by elagache, Aug 28, 2015.

  1. faster

    faster Well-Known Member

    Re: Revealing study about scientific research not getting its required double-checkin

    Exactly. All of this "subsidized" power is exactly that. The only purpose for subsidized power is to make some people rich.

    Exactly the only reason for all this "global warming", "shut down nuclear power", "green energy", "greenhouse effect", "ozone depleting fluorocarbons" is because someone is getting rich pulling a fast one on the idiots of the world.

    So, what natural occurring event can we say is caused by ceiling fans spinning clockwise and get rich?

  2. 66electrafied

    66electrafied Just tossing in my nickel's worth

    Re: Revealing study about scientific research not getting its required double-checkin

    :gp: So...what else is new? Hasn't that been mankind's problem all along? Follow the money, and you will find politics, religion, graft, big business and a lot of broken people. People getting rich on other people's ignorance is nothing new, or out of place. It's socially expected and even tolerated. Just look at the stock market crash, who do you think is paying for all of that?

    The best way to keep the cash rolling in is to scare people. Tell them the sky is falling. See, they didn't listen to their parents with the Chicken Little story either, because people still believe it. Everything in this world is driven on oil or coal, meaning power. The nuclear stuff, while expensive to build, doesn't require a great deal besides routine maintenance once it's running; - oh yeah, there is a disposal problem. For the most part, nuclear power plants have a shelf life and then that's it, either rebuild or knock it down.

    I don't know; I must be getting more cynical with old age. I just realize that I hate humanity even more whenever I read about the latest scam or who got rich on taking advantage of whoever else, I'm just tired of it.
  3. elagache

    elagache Platinum Level Contributor

    Spoiled brats who vote. (Was: Research not getting its double-checking)

    Dear Mikel, Marc, and V-8 Buick "level headed types,"

    Hey guys you are preaching to the choir, but then what? The United States is following Europe in a clear embracing of liberal social policies and more government intervention in people's lives. You guys may have figured out the scam, but you are being very seriously out-voted by majority of younger people. Those younger types think they are much smarter than you, but nonetheless they don't feel self-reliant enough to live free without government babysitting them all the time.

    I'll be honest, I don't think the world can straighten itself out on its own. My only remaining hope is the second coming and it won't be pretty.

  4. faster

    faster Well-Known Member

    Re: Revealing study about scientific research not getting its required double-checkin

    This next presidential election cycle is gonna give us a reprieve for a few years or put the final nail in the coffin depending on who wins.

  5. schlepcar

    schlepcar Gold Level Contributor

    Re: Revealing study about scientific research not getting its required double-checkin

    Six in one.....half a dozen in the other.......the only way we will survive as a sovereign country is through townships reforming counties,counties reforming states....etc...until the states unite and form a government that has a standard issued currency. In other words, don't blame the idea of our government,blame the people who tried to fix it to suit their needs.
  6. bhambulldog

    bhambulldog 1955 76-RoadmasterRiviera

    Re: Revealing study about scientific research not getting its required double-checkin

    This is not pointed at anyone or any post on this thread.
    I saw this ,and thought it funny.
  7. John Codman

    John Codman Platinum Level Contributor

    Re: Revealing study about scientific research not getting its required double-checkin

    Not to take this political, but very often our laws are made by (in some cases) well-meaning legislators who are clueless about the legislation on which they are voting. Good examples of this were the "cash for clunkers" program and Obamacare. Note: I'm not taking a position on Obamacare, there simply wasn't enough time allowed for the legislators to study the 2,000 plus pages of the bill. They voted on something of which they had no understanding.
  8. elagache

    elagache Platinum Level Contributor

    Re: Revealing study about scientific research not getting its required double-checkin

    Dear schlepcar, James, John, and V-8 Buick social observers,

    These are all important points. The old saying: "people get the government they deserve" is all too true. James your point about so called post-modernism revising what is our objective reality until nothing is anything more than opinion is painfully on the mark. John, you are correct politicians have no idea how to govern such a complex society. So it is no surprise that the vote to please the voters.

    So sadly we cannot expect our present democratic system to be able to pull us out of this mess. If humanity made the conscious decision to try to understand our problems and solve them, perhaps there would be hope. However, the emotional battle over climate change is proof enough humanity doesn't have that resolve. Anybody who is honest will realize that if the changing climate was the only problems facing the human race - things would very good indeed. As things stand, it is highly unlikely that modern civilization will endure long enough to be destroyed by the changing climate. There are far too many other problems that are disasters waiting to happen. Sooner than later one or more of those disasters will happen. Because modern civilization is so interconnected, one disaster will likely cause a house-of-cards effect producing an implosion of our infrastructure. The loss of life will be epic, but those left behind will face little more than the stone age.

    That takes me back to my only hope - the second coming.

  9. John Codman

    John Codman Platinum Level Contributor

    Re: Revealing study about scientific research not getting its required double-checkin

    I don't agree with your last line Edouard, but I absolutely agree with the paragraph above it. I (sadly) am in the Carl Sagan camp - I think that we will destroy our civilization before we can achieve humanity's true potential. I know that we have the ability to explore the universe, to conquer disease, to provide food and education for all. We will instead buy guns and bombs and kill each other. I am no longer a child, and give myself a 50-50 chance of kicking the bucket before others make the decision to end my life for me.
  10. SteeveeDee

    SteeveeDee Orange Acres

    Re: Revealing study about scientific research not getting its required double-checkin

    Bolding mine. So, you are hoping for the end of the universe and an alleged salvation from all its troubles? What about the likely other beings which probably exist in the reminder of the universe? They probably never heard of our pantheon of gods, since they didn't invent them. Which second coming would you prefer, assuming a locals-only event? Ahura Mazda? Osiris? Baal? El? Yah-Weh? Just an aside- the early Jews didn't even worship Yah-Weh! Isra-El means "the ruler" is El (the god). It should have been IsraYah-Weh. Of course, most of the religion was dog-robbed from worship of Baal, anyway.

    In my personal estimation, if you look at the global situation, the evangelical xtians are fomenting more problems in the middle east, beyond what they already have there, to initiate the end times. What about all the other people in the world who don't believe in xtianity? Do they have to get sucked into the vortex of your so-called "second coming"?

    Does the "second coming" you eagerly await equate to rapture? If you actually read the bible, you will discover that rapture is not mentioned.

    People come here to talk about their cars. Why do you keep jamming all this religious hoo-haw into this place? Seriously.
  11. 66electrafied

    66electrafied Just tossing in my nickel's worth

    Re: Revealing study about scientific research not getting its required double-checkin

    - But my Wildcat did have a second coming! It came back to me after 10 years; - fixed and fully serviceable. It was a miracle.

    Alright; - enough sarcasm...But we should stay away from religion and politics. Edouard, like John, I've agreed with everything you've said except the last line. The reason being is because having read a bit too much human history and understanding a bit about human nature, I understand the human animal's need to believe in a higher power when something is either frightening or not understood. It's a way to put order on disorder and assure oneself that there is a logical reason for all the BS and hardship we have to endure on what we call life. However, there are countless cults, religions, and belief systems out there, all of whom which are killing others in the belief that only they know the way and others are wrong. It's the biggest reason why humanity will eventually destroy itself, and unfortunately, it's inevitable.

    What if they're all wrong and there is nothing? That's what logic dictates should be there. - nothing. We have no proof of life after death, heaven or anything; - talk to anyone who has lived through a war and they will tell you all about hell, it seems to exist well enough on earth.

    I can not count on a second coming. I will not live my life waiting for it. I will not deny myself because of it or the fear associated with it. When my time comes, I will find out what happens, and whether a piece of me continues or not, somewhere in those last seconds, I'll have an answer and it'll all make no sense what so ever. That's life though, pure and utter nonsense and a waste of time.
  12. SteeveeDee

    SteeveeDee Orange Acres

    Re: Revealing study about scientific research not getting its required double-checkin

    BAM! Right on, Marc!

    Live your life and do your best people, in spite of any adversity, and don't depend on some "big daddy in the sky" to bail you out of your troubles or punish your enemies in some imaginary afterlife. Why ask for an early demise that might include people who have no belief in another person's faith? Crazy.
  13. John Codman

    John Codman Platinum Level Contributor

    Re: Revealing study about scientific research not getting its required double-checkin

    "Pure and utter nonsense and a waste of time." Wow!! I don't believe that time can be wasted. It would appear that time is infinite - therefore there will always be more of it. Time in the sense of one life - be it Human or otherwise, is different. You can waste my time, but not time. I'm not sure that I would describe life as "utter nonsense" either. Many lives have touched others, made the world a better place, and have earned respect that has lasted for centuries. Sadly there are groups who are determined to inflict their beliefs - whether religious or political, on others. It is these groups who scare me.
  14. elagache

    elagache Platinum Level Contributor

    Not free even here? (Re: Research not getting its required double-checking)

    Dear John, SteeveeDee, Marc, and V-8 Buick "speed readers, . . . "

    You guys are taking a rather odd offense. Let me bring you back to the so called "offending line."

    Am I not entitled to express was gives me hope? The sentence does not in any way seek to impose that hope on anyone else.

    My confidence in this isn't founded in any religious tradition. It is founded in direct experience, and as such, no one is entitled to criticize it.

    I've attempted capture this synthesis of religious and scientific ideas in the essay I wrote for last Christmas:

    If you want to argue with me, first take the time understand my point of view. Otherwise, accept that we are different and supposedly we are free to express our thoughts and feelings about the world. Most definitely, I'm not trying to impose them on anyone else.

  15. schlepcar

    schlepcar Gold Level Contributor

    Re: Revealing study about scientific research not getting its required double-checkin

    It is ok guys......I just saw "The Martian"......apparently we can do whatever we want to Mother Earth and still grow our own food in space. Sounds like another cash for clunkers deal. Instead of fixing anything we will just strive to obtain more.....I love Hollywood. There are also background issues of sexless orientation,corporate family, and other subliminal tools for controlling the masses. If you understand the prophecy,there is a little "one world government" going on also. All I can say is that I hope everybody thinks this movie blows.
  16. John Codman

    John Codman Platinum Level Contributor

    Re: Not free even here? (Re: Research not getting its required double-checking)

    I have not taken offense at anything you have written, Edouard. Not agreeing and taking offense are two entirely different animals.
  17. 66electrafied

    66electrafied Just tossing in my nickel's worth

    Re: Not free even here? (Re: Research not getting its required double-checking)

    I second the motion; - apologies if it seemed offensive. You are entitled to your beliefs, you are entitled to voice them and defend them.

    John; yeah...when I made that "waste of time" comment I was feeling a little blue, perhaps that was a bit harsh. Of course we touch numerous lives and hopefully in a positive sense. But, like a safety officer once told me, - "Think no one will miss you? Miss three truck payments and see who cares!"

    At any rate, yes, time is infinite, but, a moment lost is never regained, so if it's wasted, it's one that you can never have back. Make every one count, and that is something a lot of people don't do.
  18. SteeveeDee

    SteeveeDee Orange Acres

    Re: Not free even here? (Re: Research not getting its required double-checking)

    ...and that thread is complete booshwah. The posting of a thread (this one) that evolves into an encouragement of the "second coming" of an individual for which there is no historical record is going to cause rational people to react. When you post a topic, you are imposing your beliefs, whether you want to admit it or not. Many people will just accept it and move on, and many others will not want to argue the topic, and move on. Your beliefs and the posting thereof is not off-limits, just because you believe them. As far as whether people are entitled to criticize it? :error: There is nothing one can post on the internet that one can not expect to be challenged, dissected, and the remains analyzed. This happens here in things as simple as wiring or carburetors. You may not expect to post booshwah and not get your chops busted.

    This isn't a site that is meant to discuss religion/no religion, it's about Buicks. Again I ask- why do you feel it is important to bring this up in a forum other that the "Help From Above" forum?

    NB- I understand where you are coming from, and don't care, and from now on I will post a counterpoint to every post you make when you put some woo in it, right up until the time a moderator or admin kicks me off.
  19. faster

    faster Well-Known Member

    Re: Revealing study about scientific research not getting its required double-checkin

    Yep..... "Only what I want is important!"

    Now as to others posting on this thread who are getting upset over some guys talking about something that they have taken a common interest in; why are you getting upset over what we are discussing? Yes, this is a Buick forum but if this thread does not have anything pertinent to you than go to one that does. I love Buicks as much as the next guy but I also discuss politics, medicine, baseball, my wife, my kids and my others interests just as many other's do here. We've had a long running "What'tha doin this Saturday" that isn't about Buicks but no one is offended by. We have threads about helping others, offering encouragement to other members or letting our Buick brothers vent.

    If this isn't for you then change the channel and go to a thread that is man.


  20. John Codman

    John Codman Platinum Level Contributor

    Re: Revealing study about scientific research not getting its required double-checkin

    I'm amazed that it took six pages of comments before religion got dragged into the thread. 5 - 4 - 3 - 2 -

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