
Discussion in 'Wet behind the ears??' started by "riceboy", Feb 15, 2004.

  1. "riceboy"

    "riceboy" New Member

    dont be appauled by my name. Its a name given to me by my dad , pwm72 who is a member here with his unmistakably orange 72 skylark ragtop with a 455. he calls me this because i like supras and rx-7s and skylines, when they could beat some off the muscle cars out there. Dont get me wrong, i LOVE muscle cars. Especially buicks. so me joining is an effort to show my dad that i am not "rice boy" and i do like muscle cars! (even though i like the occasional rice):Do No: is it that bad?

    Well my hobbies are r/cs and anything with cars, skateboarding, and bmx biking. i have a t-maxx 2.5 that hits about 50 mph and a few (my dad says i have to many but is 10 to many) micro r/c cars.
    Last edited: Feb 15, 2004
  2. Smartin

    Smartin Guest

    Welcome to the board:beer

    Any Buick fan is welcome here:bglasses:
  3. "riceboy"

    "riceboy" New Member

    thanks alot, im a big buick fan, i go to all the buick events with my dad, and even helped him put together his 455
  4. Chris Lott

    Chris Lott 4 speed finally

    Welcome to the board, those new T-Maxxes are badd to the bone. Never had the money to spend on one, too many real cars to do that.

    BTW, I wouldn't consider Pooperas, RX-7s or Skylines rice. Those are respectable high performance cars. I got a ride in an RX-7 a month or so ago. Drifting with the wheels spinning at 80 (no joke) is everything it is cracked up to be and more. I never liked those cars, but to say they earned my respect that day would be an understatement.

    Welcome to Buick heaven!
  5. Damian Kolosik

    Damian Kolosik Well-Known Member

    its cool man the occasional rice is ok as long as those cars are your toys lol.. im getting a 69 vw beetle for a daily car and once my buford is done im putting a 2500 in the bug with a blower...
  6. npminard

    npminard Member

    Welcome. I'm a new guy as well, actually "newer" than you are. Hope to see ya around.

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