Rodding Terminology

Discussion in 'Color is everything!' started by hardtop, Jul 14, 2006.

  1. hardtop

    hardtop Member

    I am familiar with the more common terms used to describe body mods - like chop, french, shave, etc., but what do the terms nosed , decked and pancaked mean ?

    Thanks in advance!
  2. Bob Lorenz Jr.

    Bob Lorenz Jr. Well-Known Member

    nosed and decked are when you remove all the chrome from the hood and deck lid. Pancaked is when you take a section out of the side of the hood to "flaten it". Gets the big hump out of it and makes it look more modern.
  3. hardtop

    hardtop Member

    Thanks for the response, Bob. I did that - pancaked, I mean to my '53 Riv- just didn't know the term! I removed the front emblem along with 3 1/2" out of the front of my hood. But - no way will I lose the gunsight! Before, my car was always driving "uphill", even with the front suspension dropped 2 1/2"

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