Secondary Metering Rods...

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by Smartin, Mar 12, 2003.

  1. Smartin

    Smartin Guest

    Ok so I didn't know where to post this...because I don't know what motor these came out of.

    The rods don't have any ID on them...what do these look like to you? Would they be good for getting rid of the bog in my QJet with CZ rods? The CZ's are like pencils. These seem pretty narrow at the tip. Any ideas?

    These came out of a carb with the number 17054842. I can't decode this...can anyone chime in with this too?

    I feel like an idiot tonight.

    These are the rods w/o any ID on them...

    Attached Files:

  2. GSThunder

    GSThunder Dejavu

    Adam, the likely cause of a bog uaually isn't the secondary metering rods. I would concentrate on the secondary opening rate. The secondary spring rate is adjustable and the choke pull off that mounts on the pass. side front of the carb are the two areas I go to when addressing a bog condition.
    If you still want to ID those secondary rods, just measure the tips using a caliper or micrometer.
  3. Smartin

    Smartin Guest

    Bill S. showed me a picture of his AX rods that looked very similar to these, but I wanted to get some opinions on what they were.

    I have addressed the air valve issue and have mostly corrected it. I think this will help though. I'll go ahead and try it since I have nothing better to do:grin:
  4. CyberBuick

    CyberBuick What she used to be....

    I have a set like that.. CV's.. Doug's book lists AX and CV's as the only rich long tip rods.. Take a micrometer to the tip.. If it measures .0397 then it's AX, if it measures .0527 then it's a CV..
  5. Leviathan

    Leviathan Inmate of the Month

    The variance between the different rods is too small to tell with the naked eye. You do have a good secondary rod though with a nice long tip, and a good taper, ideal for secondary preformance IF you have a good opening rate.

    Are you sure they're blank? Quite often these seem to be unmarked until they hit some carb cleaner. The gum and resin residues that build up from the gas collect on rough spots first, like the ID stampings. The letter fill in to a perfect machine finish. These have the same look to them as a number of rods I've had to mine for myself. Grab some soap, carb cleaner, and gently massage the gum off, you may find the ID's yet.

    If all else fails and you want to be sure what they are, grab a good caliper and measure the tip, and the taper diameters. Then compare against Doug Roe's book as CyberBuick suggests

    Good luck!
  6. Smartin

    Smartin Guest

    I went ahead and swapped the rods in my smogger 76 QJet. The original rods were CZ...HUGE! The new ones are like needles compared to the CZ. I also pulled the secondaries out of my Centurion carb and they are Very thin...possibly the AX I've been looking for. Maybe when I get some time, I'll try to wipe the crap off them and see if I can find a code.

    Thanks guys:TU:

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