shallow oil pan, or evac system?

Discussion in 'Street/strip 400/430/455' started by BbyCbra, Nov 21, 2003.

  1. BbyCbra

    BbyCbra streetfighter TR-6

    getting ready to transplant the 455 into the little car, but I have some clearance issues down low. I'd like to bring the bottom of the oil pan up and inch or 3

    Wondering if there is a shallow pan setup, or is a direct evac system "more better"?
  2. BbyCbra

    BbyCbra streetfighter TR-6

    would it be possible to run an inexpensive 2 stage dry sump pump for evac only, and then plumb the reservoir into the the stock oil pump via an external oil filter adapter -- and meet the oiling needs of the motor in mild street use?

    if so, what vendors offer a 2 stage pump? any production model cars use them that might be found in the junkyards?

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