So here's the reply I got from target RE: Salvation Army

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by nailheadina67, Nov 24, 2004.

  1. nailheadina67

    nailheadina67 Official Nailheader

    Just got this today in my email:

    Subject: The Salvation Army

    Dear Joseph,

    Like many nationwide retailers, Target Corporation has a long-standing "no
    solicitation" policy that it consistently applies to all organizations
    across all of its stores.

    We receive an increasing number of solicitation inquiries from non-profit
    organizations and other groups each year and determined that if we continue
    to allow the Salvation Army to solicit then it opens the door to any other
    groups that wish to solicit our guests. While some of our guests may
    welcome the opportunity to support their favorite charity or cause,
    allowing these organizations to solicit means that Target would also have
    to permit solicitation by organizations whose cause or behavior may be
    unacceptable to our guests.

    We notified the Salvation Army of our decision in January 2004, well in
    advance of the holiday season, so the organization would have time to find
    alternative fundraising sources. Target also asked the Salvation Army to
    look at other ways that we could support their organization under our
    corporate giving guidelines. To this date they have not provided a proposal
    that fits those guidelines.

    Local Salvation Army chapters can apply for grants through their local
    Target stores. For decades, many non-profit organizations across the
    country have successfully worked with Target in this manner. We are asking
    the Salvation Army to work with us in the same exact manner as the other
    groups and organizations who ask to solicit our guests.

    This decision in no way diminishes Target Corporation's commitment to its
    communities. Target has one of the largest corporate philanthropy programs
    in America, donating more than $2 million per week and hundreds of
    thousands of volunteer hours each year to the communities in which it does


    Jennifer Hanson
    Target Executive Offices
  2. mechacode

    mechacode Well-Known Member

    Makes sense. You wouldn't want a certain race related group sitting in front of your local target trying to get money.
  3. Mike Atwood

    Mike Atwood The Green Machine

    What ever happened to our right of choice? The right to choose who we want advertising on our property, etc.! The court-legal system in this country has gotten rediculously riddled with idiots. I dread the day that something major should happen in my life that I depend on a judge for my future................. I know I'll be screwed. This politically correct stuff needs to go somewhere else!

  4. Truzi

    Truzi Perpetual Student

    Good point Mike. I can see how Target wouldn't want to set precident to allow everyone. However, its not a government-run company, so they can choose which groups they want.

    I suspect the reason's aren't quite about allowing everyone. It seems more likely that it reduces the headaches involved with all the requests they might get; how to handle request, who to choose, how to choose, avoiding bad PR of not choosing a group for reasons not related to agreement with the group (logistical, for example), etc.

    If its just for the Holidays it shouldn't present them with too many problems, and the "traditional" holiday charities that collect this way are relatively few - so I don't see how it could be a big problem for them to make a choice.

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