Some people don't deserve to own Buicks!

Discussion in 'A boatload of fun' started by wildcatsrule, Mar 24, 2007.

  1. ringneck

    ringneck Well-Known Member

    I think the car is ugly as hell and think that crap like that is about two IQ points off of non functional retardation.

    However the comment about their music, people, cars etc made me laugh a little. In another thread in "The Bench" it got to talking about when we realize we are just like our parents. My dad was born in 1934 and hates both any kind of rock music and muscle cars(loud engines, pipes, scoops, spoilers, stripes, rims),and that having those things is a sign of drug use or homosexual activity. So maybe there's a little ironic humor in our disdain at the donk car guys and people who like rap.

  2. 64BuickCat

    64BuickCat Geaux Tigers! L-S-U!!!

    Brad has a point. I can remember riding in the car (1964 Wildcat) with my Mother and turning on the radio. The Beatles song, "Get Back" was playing, and Mom scolded me to "Turn that $%#&$*$^%#($)$& off!" If it would've been something by Glenn Miller, she'd have hummed along... :Do No:

    WILD KAT Well-Known Member

    mmmhh,,, yes and no. The thing with those hip hop guys is, that they always try to have sth. for their own, that nobody has. But all the cool stuff is already founded. But they work hard to be somebody else, and try to be even cooler.

    So music was already made, so they made up Rap.
    Cool clothes, were already in fashion, so they jumped into sports dresses, hang themselves with gold chains, and did put baby underwear on their heads....
    Them Mexican dudes were already into Lowriders, and the Lexus, Mercedes stuff is not available to everyone.
    So they made them totally stupid "Monkey Cars"

    Ridicolous, like all their stupid acting, and handshaking in front of a camera!!
    I just don't get it! Style and coolness is not about dancing like a f.... Gorilla in front of a Yacht or expensive car. It's certainly NOT this. I wonder what all the kids think, when they look and listen to this b.s. That they are just somebody when they have a lot money, or what???

    No thanks. No Donkeys and no Monkeys for me!

    WILD KAT Well-Known Member

    U'r mother was right! Beatles suck! :laugh::laugh:
  5. butthair

    butthair Well-Known Member

    I think I can do you one better
  6. ringneck

    ringneck Well-Known Member

    Wild Cat, I'm with you 100% on here but were my dad and '64 Buick Cat's mom able to sound off I'm sure we'd hear about hippies, shaggy hair, people who wear tennis shoes, sleeveless T- shirts on guys, tube tops/mini skirts for girls, loud music(my dad can't tell the difference between rock and rap, doesn't care)long hair on guys, and anything else that was popular from the late 60's-mid 90's(when the hip hop scene arrived).

    Now just look at it from my dad's perspective. He was raised in a period where there was pretty much nothing but conformity. You conformed to some ideal somewhere. It could be along racial, religious, reigional, gender, monetary, or what ever lines. When the counter culture appeared, and then morphed into the do what feels good attitude that became mainstream in the 70's, that was a terrible culture shock.

    We've had thirty years of wierdos and social 'freedom' to prepare us for this hip hop tsunami thats overwhelmed us---along with what ever its called when guys wear tobogans, are shot full of piercings, and covered in tattoos.

    So all of what we're stuck with now is alot less radical than shaggy haired rock and rollers in fast cars.

    Hemmings (don't remember if it was classic or muscle)had an editorial about how manners, on and off the road, have deteriorated since he(in his 50's) has started paying attention. Same thing my dad talked about years ago in reference to the baby boomers.

  7. Mike G

    Mike G Well-Known Member

    Butthair that beats the former.

    I know these abortions are disgusting, but so are the old hulks that I have out back that realistically will be turned into iron oxide or get crushed, after I die, and then served up to China for regurgitation.

    I'd love to have even the bodies of some old Buick used on a Mars Attacks body then to watch it waste away. Haha
  8. batcar

    batcar Well-Known Member

    When I was a kid the Police used to pull us over if your car was jacked up in the rear, or nail you for loud exhaust. This doesn't seem to matter anymore.
  9. BuckeyeBuicks

    BuckeyeBuicks Well-Known Member

    That thing could be the poster child for barf bags!!!:Dou:

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