Star Wars Trilogy

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by Buick_350X, Sep 21, 2004.

  1. Buick_350X

    Buick_350X Guest

    Anyone gonna buy this? Anyone bought and watch it yet?

    People are paying up to $50 on ebay for em when its $43 at bestbuy.

    The previews I say onthe special they ran this weekend looked really neat. GL was able to redo do all the special effect and shots how he wanted. It suppose to be a whole new movie in a way.

    I am to poor to flip that much on them yet. The game came out too which would be another $40.
  2. Buick_350X

    Buick_350X Guest

    5. Jedis don't scream

    The 1997 special edition version of "The Empire Strikes Back" was changed so Luke wails as he jumps off the platform in Cloud City. In the only instance of Lucas undoing a later alteration (sadly, Greedo still shoots first on the DVD of "A New Hope"), he's taken it off the DVD edition. Maybe he realized Jedis (even ones in training) don't scream.

    4. Boba Fett has a new voice

    Since Boba Fett is a clone of Jango Fett, and Jango Fett is played by Temura Morrison, doesn't it make sense that he should sound like him, too? That's exactly what George Lucas thought, so Morrison was brought in to revoice the four lines of dialogue (yes, believe it or not there are only four!) Boba spoke in the original trilogy.

    3. A new and improved Jabba

    Remember that dodgy-looking computer-generated Jabba they inserted into the 1997 re-release of "A New Hope"? Well, he looks a little less dodgy this time around thanks to some improved CGI.

    2. The emperor's new clothes

    In the original version of "The Empire Strikes Back," the emperor Darth Vader speaks to via hologram was played by a woman in a mask (!) and voiced by Clive Revill. Again, in the interests of consistency, Ian McDiarmid -- who portrays the emperor in "Return of the Jedi" and the prequel trilogy -- now appears in that scene with an added line or two of dialogue.

    1. The big finale

    The 1997 special edition of "Return of the Jedi" added a few "Star Wars" worlds joining the celebration of the Empire's demise at the end of the film. For the DVD, they've added Naboo, a planet that figures prominently in the prequel trilogy. Also, Anakin Skywalker is noticeably different this time around. When he removes his Darth Vader helmet, he now has no eyebrows! It's probably safe to assume he singes them off in his battle with Obi-Wan Kenobi in next summer's "Revenge of the Sith" and a change had to be made.

    But the most noticeable change -- and perhaps one some "Star Wars" diehards will have a tough time stomaching -- is Hayden Christensen (who plays young Anakin in the prequel trilogy) now appearing in the scene where the "force ghosts" of Anakin, Obi Wan, and Yoda smile at Luke. One thing's for sure, there's plenty for fans to debate -- that is, until the trilogy comes out yet again on another format in the future and Mr. Lucas makes his inevitable changes ...
  3. tlivingd


    I'm patiently waiting for all 6 to be in one boxed dvd set.
  4. Marco

    Marco Well-Known Member

    Are there plans to film the final three (episodes 7-9), after episode 3 comes out?

    Personally, I'm waiting for the extended version boxed set of the 'Lord of the Rings' trilogy...
  5. Lark72sb350

    Lark72sb350 Well-Known Member

    As soon as I can get away from work i am going to get the box set, and some popcorn too.

    My wife will be sooo thrilled tonight.
  6. Leviathan

    Leviathan Inmate of the Month

    I work with computer experts & engineers 10 hours a day... SW is a required course!

    #4 and #1 are up there with "greedo shoots first" as far as silliness. kinda guts the charachters IMHO. There was talk about removing the famous shoot the swordsman scene in Raider of the Lost Ark...

    It seems Lucas got a tad less evil in his old age, ufortunatly it was that particular trait that made his charachters interesting. "Hey, the good guy just up and shot that dude! ...well, given a guy with a sword/gun pointed at me I probably would've done the same thing"
  7. Buick_350X

    Buick_350X Guest

    Let us know what you think.
  8. crazyjackcsa

    crazyjackcsa Big and Untame

    Given what Lucas has made before and since the original Star Wars, I think it could be argued that his masterpiece was largely and accident. Don't get me wrong, I love Star Wars and Indiana Jones ( I think Speilberg had more to do with that one) But Lets look at his record after those movies, The Prequels of Star Wars are nowhere near as good as the first 3, Labryinth? not really a huge hit, Howard the Duck? really.

    I love Star Wars but I think they're were good despite Lucas, not becasue of him, and keep in mind, he only directed one of the originals.
  9. Buick_350X

    Buick_350X Guest

    Labyrinth was movie of the year, that year. That movie rocked.

    I enjoy the newer star wars. I guess more for the killer animation and grafix. I am a grafix nut. And if it wasn't for Lucas we would of never had Pixar studio's. The kings of animation.

    And I think the newer SW movies are well written as they fill in the puzzle. So much of it really helped to connect the story. attack of the cones is so well done. On how every ting is backwards. The Jedi's are unknowing fighting for the wrong side as they were to afraid to admit the dark side had clouded their judgment. Both the action in the first two new movies was good. the Jedi were really fighting on the wrong side both times. Very good writing.

    I think so N E Ways
  10. pooods

    pooods Well-Known Member

    I will get the dvd's. I love the triliogy and welcome every new version they come out with. I bought the first box set of VHS many years back. Then bought them again in the mid 90's. Only to buy the newly released ones in the late 90's. So, what is an extra 3 more?? I don't like some of the changes noted above, but am sure the positives will over-shadow the negatives in the long run. The first of the prequels was a flop to me, but the next was a good representation of the originals. Can't wait for the final one. Only si-fi to rank with SW movies is the Lord of the Rings IMHO. It also was awesome. May the force be with you all!!!!!!!!
  11. Buick_350X

    Buick_350X Guest

    side note. I hear the bonus DVD has the game demo for the Xbox on it.

    Would be neat if the full version of the game was part of the set. And still $40 some bucks.
  12. john campbell

    john campbell MASSHOLE

    i cant wait to pick this set up, the original trilogy finally on DVD. i've seen these three at least fifty times and i still love them. the new ones are good, good stories and great effects. but the characters are kinda boring. not that the actors are bad just the writing, the dialog. the characters are cool but lack that spark that Han, Luke and Leia or just about anybody in the originals had. Lucas did a great job writing those characters the new ones seem a bit i dont know flat? uptight? wooden? lacking personality? and whats with that lovey dovey stuff in the new one? alright i'll shut up now :sleep:
  13. BadBrad

    BadBrad Got 4-speed?

    Extended version?! :laugh: The only thing longer than those movies is geologic time.
  14. Buick_350X

    Buick_350X Guest

    Anyone get a chance to watch them yet???
  15. Buick_350X

    Buick_350X Guest

    TTT :Do No:

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