Starting problems with a motorhome

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by 78ParkAvenue, Jul 12, 2005.

  1. 78ParkAvenue

    78ParkAvenue LED Interior Lighting

    My grandpa has a 1978 executive 32 foot motorhome with a chrysler 440. The engine runs fine when we get it started, but it takes like 60 seconds of cranking to start the thing. We have to use starting fluid sometimes. I want it to fire up nice and easy like my buick does. What causes the engine to just crank and crank and crank until it finally fires up?
  2. Mike Atwood

    Mike Atwood The Green Machine

    Could be a few things: The carb might need rebuilt, the bowl could be leaking and running dry overnight......... the fuel pump might be in question also. The best way to tell, is first thing in the morning before you crank it over, look down the venturi and pump the gas a few times to see if you are getting a few squirts of fuel. If not, I would check the carb first.

  3. MandMautomotive

    MandMautomotive Well-Known Member

    Might have a Qjet on it. The float bowl may leak empty while sitting.

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