Steering Box Help Needed

Discussion in 'The whoa and the sway.' started by Smartin, Mar 22, 2006.

  1. Smartin

    Smartin Staff Member

    I had this apart to replace the shaft seal at the top there on the picture in October. The car now makes a very apparent vibration when it is steered as if something wasn't quite tight enough in there, and it had just enough play to make some noise.

    Now, my big question - the green arrow is pointing to the suspected part that may or may not be tight enough. When I reinstalled it back in the housing in October, I snugged it up to where it felt tight. I then put the lock washer over it, and went along with my business.

    I pulled it back apart tonight, and it unscrewed fairly easily. I acutally used a tool to tighten it this time. Wow, new concept!! :eek:

    Could this have been my problem?? How tight does it need to be?


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