stopping dash cracks

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by crazyjackcsa, Aug 2, 2004.

  1. crazyjackcsa

    crazyjackcsa Big and Untame

    My Riv dash has developed a crack in the bottom left hand corener around the Temp controls. In the past 4 years It's gone from about 1/2 inch to 3 inches. I don't want it to spread all over the dash, but I don't want to get into a really expensive fix at this time. Is there anyway to stop the crack? I't in a pretty unnoticeable place, so it doesn't have to be perfect.
  2. cray1801

    cray1801 Too much is just right.

    If a circular cut could be made at the end of the crack it may stop the crack from spreading. When a tear or crack is initiated there is a high stress point that will continue to spread, if a circular cut (sometimes called a drill stop) is placed at the end of the crack the high stress point is reduced. Not sure the best way to do this however (exacto blade?), but I'll bet someone here could help.
  3. 70 gsconvt

    70 gsconvt Silver Level contributor

    Make a smile cut at the end of the crack.:)
  4. crazyjackcsa

    crazyjackcsa Big and Untame

    A smile cut? I take it that would be like a half circle? How big do these cuts have to be? With a smile cut wouldn't the ends of the smile start to split?:confused:
    Last edited: Aug 2, 2004
  5. crazyjackcsa

    crazyjackcsa Big and Untame

  6. 70 gsconvt

    70 gsconvt Silver Level contributor

    The straight line that the crack is traveling along is a stress point of some kind. Making a cross-cut may stop it from progressing any further. I would think just a 1/4" at most on either side would do it.
  7. Buick_350X

    Buick_350X Guest

    soak your dash well with that clear black magic stuff. Its very nasty sticky oily like stuff but spray it on thick and let it sit in the sun and soak in. Do that over n over n over. leave the windows up n bake it in. Even spraying in the crack well. It will help stop it by making everything softer and more ply-able.

    You will be tempted to wipe off the excess, just don't. It will collect dust and look bad for a while but the sun leaches out the stuff that make it ply-able and it starts to crack when stressed.

    resist washing it off till the whole bottle has been soaked into the dash. Then let it dry naturally and try not to use anything ammonia or alcohol bases to clean it.

    I would make a small cut at each end of the crack so it wont tear anymore too.

    Ohh n don't spray that gunk on your tires. I know it says it for tires n rubber but you should only spray your tires with a silicone based spray.

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