Support your local oil refinery.

Discussion in 'The "Other" Bench' started by Gumby, Mar 25, 2004.

  1. Gumby

    Gumby Guest

    Support your local oil refinery.

    Because of the gas prices your local oil refinery has a shortage of
    aluminum roofing nails. They would prefer
    1in or 1 1/4in aluminum roofing nails to help lower the cost of gas.
    Just toss them out your window onto the refinery's drive way or parking
    A security guard or employee will be more than happy to pick them up.
    And PLZ no steel nails. It is to easy for them to be picked up.
    Once they receive several tons of nails [spewed about their driveways
    and parking lots] they will be able to stop the price fixing for good.

    swoosh....smack... tingle tingle tingle tingle tingle
    is all I heard as I delivered my first 99cent box today.

    a company that makes 200 billion a year in profit has no excuses for
    price hiking. Their only reason for doing so is to secure their next 200
    billion in profits. Higher prices has nothing to do with it, less profit
  2. GTX Joel

    GTX Joel Well-Known Member

    So what are you going to do if the refinery says screw it, and shuts down for a year or so? Ride your bike?? The EPA and the "not in my back yard" crowd sure won't let anyone else build a new refinery to replace it or compete with it.

    If the refinery makes so much $$$, why don't you buy stock in it and make some bucks for yourself?

    And why is it that if the oil companys or the cable TV companys (with whom we deal with voluntarily) raise prices, every one goes crying to congress for price controls, but when congress forcebly steals half your income nobody does anything about it?
  3. John Brown

    John Brown On permanant vacation !!

    Current price of a barrel of oil is close to $25 per barrel. It was as high as $41 per barrel in 1981. Price of oil is lower, cost of gas is higher. The arabs aren't making more profits, and the oil companys aren't making the big bucks either. The big winners are the state and federal government. Since 1981 they have changed the taxing structure on every gallon you buy. They have no investment but add cost to every gallon you buy.

    Government today is all about wealth transfer and social (lowest common denominator) engineering. If your vote counted for anything, I'd say "vote the SOB's out". But it doesn't. It has to be done starting at the local level. The upper levels are too corrupt to save.
  4. Dave H

    Dave H Well-Known Member

    Amen to both of the above

    I think gas prices are set by the "futures" market on a macro scale and by a "how much can we get?" on a micro level. So much of what happens is influenced (and big money made) by the futures market (just ask Hillary). Habib and Saad look at each other across the intersection and play liars' poker with raising the prices at their pumps a penny or two more.

    Kerry, the village idiot and gigolo, just proposed lowering taxes on companies that do business abroad but don't outsource the jobs there (Huh?). That kinda sounds lke big oil companies and Halleburton, Heinz, etc. to me. I'm getting really confused.

    Glad I went back to drinking beer, otherwise I'd get really depressed by this. :beer :beer :beer :beer :beer
  5. Gumby

    Gumby Guest

    We had a one day 25cent hike that even the governor went off on. When you must live near these things, put your life on the line as they could implode any time, smell and hear them 24/7 [from 2am-7am they make the most noise] and deal with all the traffic. We deserve a break.

    in our area its BP who is the problem starter. Everyone else just follows them up in price. BP can careless about community support.

    We got 3 of the dam things. a coal burring power plant, nuclear power plant, super toxic waste dumps along with regular ones. All with in walking distance of the lake n rivers.

    They can all pick up and move away and I'll be happy paying $1.75 for gas.
    Though Id like a 10 year contract for $1.50 a gal max.

    Oregon is real nice, on the lake, has a 2 nice state parks and is on a building boom. Everyone is moving here.

    But I would say we got the most pollution in one place than anywhere in Ohio.

    The only down/up side is if any of them went off. We would all die. No one would suffer.

    In a nuclear war it would be the same thing. I am sure we got 3-4 of them heading for this area.

    We put up with allot so people can have their gas, power and a place to dump their toxic waste. We deserve a break. Why the EPA doesn't test here. They will never force pollution test on us while they let them pollute all they want. The bad toxic dump leaks all the time but the fines are cheaper than fixing things.

    And don't get me started on the train BS. Same thing, fines are cheaper then following the law. Every time we build a new over pass for a 50mph fast straight way into Toledo. they move the switching station to the new section so they can still block traffic. At random for 20-30 mins to make your drive 10 miles out of your way. [ We got Hugh country blocks]We have built 4 over passes in the past two years to free up traffic but the trains station do everything they can to keep it blocked off.

    Id like to park a tank on some tracks n let them wait 20-30 mins while I jerk off. At every spot we find a hole, they make it a goal to block it.

    It all sound a bit bitchy but we have always gotten certain breaks for what we put up with. No one likes the BP refinery. They are not a community supporter.

    The BP security guard just shook his head as the nails tingled across the trucks main gate.

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