T/A 510 Cam & Vacuum?

Discussion in 'The whoa and the sway.' started by Harry, Sep 24, 2009.

  1. Harry

    Harry The Hammer

    Hey Thanks Doug I didn't know this.Anyone know where I can get a 12* degree stop bushing for a MSD distributor?Unfortunately MSD doesn't offer much of a bushing selection. Found these guys http://www.4secondsflat.com/ but they only offer 10 & 12 degree bushings.

    Come to think of it I haven't even checked what springs or bushings are in my distributor,probably the HEAVY springs:Dou:

    Maybe I shouldn't look:grin:
    <embed width="600" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowFullscreen="true" allowNetworking="all" wmode="transparent" src="http://static.photobucket.com/player.swf?file=http://vid3.photobucket.com/albums/y76/Hoonbash/BuickDrive1004.flv">
  2. sailbrd

    sailbrd Well-Known Member

    They have some cool stuff there. I do not know if it has to be exactly 12 degrees machanical. Each motor will be a little different. You could get the 10 degree bushing, set the total at 32 degrees and see how it likes that. If it starts a little hard you could file a few degrees out of it. The main point is to get the initial advance up around 20ish. Then you can fine tune from there. As far as the springs do not just go to the light springs. Go by steps so you do not have full advance at idle. My new Mallory comes in a little too quick so I need back up a step.
  3. buicksstage1

    buicksstage1 Well-Known Member

    Sorry Harry, I lost track of this thread after my post asking how you have your distributor set up but it looks like Doug has you fixed up with the 20* int and 32* total and all in by 2200-2500rpm:TU: Chris
  4. Harry

    Harry The Hammer

    No problem Chris.I don`t think I`m going to bring it all in until about 3500 to match my stall.Reading on 4 seconds flat website(bushings) got me to thinking,guess I`ll have to experiment with it.

    Installed the vac pump from Autoanything today & it works great.It`s not as noisy as I thought it would be,my Carter elec fuel pump is 2-3 times louder,can`t hear the vac pump when driving.It`s very easy to install,put mine up behind the drivers side headlights so it`s hidden away.Everything you need is included in the kit.


    DUTCH WILDCAT 64 wildcat

    why not instal an alternator with vacuumpump from a diesel car?

    like this one
  6. sailbrd

    sailbrd Well-Known Member

    That's pretty cool.

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