
Discussion in 'The "Other" Bench' started by Dave H, Jul 24, 2008.

  1. BlackGold

    BlackGold Well-Known Member

    I used to brake-check particularly annoying tailgaters. I would always drop it into a lower gear first and hit the gas simultaneous with the brakes. This way my car never really slowed down much -- just lit the brake lights and made the front end dive.

    I don't do it so much any more, mostly because of what you mention above; they might overreact and hurt an innocent bystander. But there's also the self-preservation factor. I brake-checked a tractor-trailer once (he was within 3 feet) and he ended up sideways in the road. When he caught up with me at the next red light, he came after me with a tire iron. Another one of my "victims" got out of his car, walked up to my open window, and held a knife to my throat while telling me what he thought of my "silly games." I still regret not nailing the gas and removing his still-open driver's door with my front bumper.

    For the record, in a tailgating situation, I'm usually the guy in back. But it's worth noting that I have never run into anyone, but I've been rear-ended 9 times :eek2: (and not because I was playing games).
  2. Electrajim

    Electrajim Just another Jim

    Is that Fletch in the Alfa?

    Either way, remember, no matter what you are driving, SLOWER TRAFFIC KEEP RIGHT!

  3. BlackGold

    BlackGold Well-Known Member

    Works great as long as the road has enough capacity. But around here, with most highways being only only two lanes in each direction and quite crowded, I never dare get out of the left lane for fear of not being able to get back in. It's like NASCAR at Daytona; if you leave the line, you get shuffled to the back while everyone else passes you.

    The way I see it, once the road gets crowded enough, you've got just two speeds you can travel: 55 - 60 in the slow lane with all the trucks, or 70 - 75 in the fast lane. If you want to go faster than the fast lane, you're on your own and will have to do some passing on the right. Don't ride my tail and act all annoyed; I'm already doing 75 and am passing slower people, as are 9 out of 10 other drivers in this lane. Why should I slow to 55 just so you can drive 85?
  4. Spike455

    Spike455 Spike455

    LOL !!! Yes only about 5 over for me. The reason is I'm ticket free now and want to keep it that way. No more !!! I think there are more people who tailgate now because nobody cares anymore. A lot of bad attitudes out there behind the wheel. I wouldn't exclude myself from that time to time. :rolleyes: But for the most part I won't drive right up on someone's bumper and intentionally be a rude SOB or a Bitch !!! I just really hate the people who do and do it cause they don't care, they're in a big hurry, and just want to piss you off. :blast: :blast: :blast: June.
  5. Dave H

    Dave H Well-Known Member

    Wait until these little S**tboxes are all over the place and you run up on one of them....or even worse, one in the right lane and one in the left lane on the cell phone.

    I always run the right lane and have no problem getting out into the passing lane at any time in the F250 PSD 4 x 4. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: People hate to follow one of these behemoths, so they pass me, then slow down. Nice to have a chip in it...........:cool:

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