Team America / World Police

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by Buick_350X, Oct 9, 2004.

  1. Buick_350X

    Buick_350X Guest

    Team America / World Police

    Anyone catch the short interview with the creators???

    Everyone so far has assume it was just another Michael Moore movie but the script for the movie was handed in even before we went to war with Iraq. Its not an anit Bush movie. Actually they said it was cause of Europeans who said to them "you Americans think your the world police" so they decided to show them what that would really look like.

    So the movie was basically made to poke fun at snotty Europeans.
  2. Buick_350X

    Buick_350X Guest

    One thing I like about south park is they are an equal opportunity offender.

    No one is safe. Everyone gets made fun off.
  3. john campbell

    john campbell MASSHOLE

    personally i love south park that show is nuts and the movie was great. team america will probably be a laugh riot. now that i think about it these guys did baseketball also, funny stuff :laugh:
  4. Buick_350X

    Buick_350X Guest

    Just don't say its simple. Matt n Trey said people so far keep saying its funny and so simple. But that makes them mad as it was hard as bleep to do.

    That is also the charm of South Park.
    Its so simple but the charters have good dialog.
  5. Driver2

    Driver2 Guest

    "Thunderbirds are GO!" :bglasses:

    That will be a cool MOVIE ("The Thunderbirds", from the '60s TV Series), when it gets into the Theaters!

    REAL actors, instead of the Marionette Puppets.

    Team America looks ridiculous (WAY too corny), for a movie, but I'll see it for FREE when it comes out for TV. Not worth paying for. :Dou:
  6. john campbell

    john campbell MASSHOLE

    a live action version of the thunderbirds came out this summer. it was a major flop.

    RAMLARK Well-Known Member

    i think i'll go see the movie because i just saw someone on the news
    saying that Sean Penn doesn't like it. if he doesn't like it, i probably will.
  8. Buick_350X

    Buick_350X Guest

    Like Sean Penn is a judge of good movies / scripts.

    RAMLARK Well-Known Member

    apparently Sean Penn is one of the puppets in the movie(in real life too?)
    and he doesn't like his portrayal.
    South Park cracks me up. those guys don't leave anyone alone.
  10. 68 BE225

    68 BE225 Well-Known Member

    From the trailers it looks closer to the Thunderbirds than the thunderbirds movie. I've been a Thunderbirds fan since the 60's. Now my kids are hooked. We'll be seeing it.
  11. 2manybuicks

    2manybuicks Founders Club Member

    What is absolutely mind-boggling is that Matt & Trey had a huge battle with the ratings board (or "thought police", fittingly enough) in order to obtain an "R" rating. Seems the censors who protect us objected to a scen with too much sex -- between puppets! Evidently, all you would have seen is two pairs of feet in a horizontal position and some suggestive noises. The ratings morons insisted that any implied doll-sex would necessitate an NC-17 (?) rating, so the doll sex had to go.

    As Matt & Trey still say, how could any movie featuring actual sexuality between actual humans on any level be OK, if off-screen implied doll sex isn't? Plus, the censors had noooooo problems whatsoever with all the visual non-stop violence in the plot.

    -- Steve

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