The Polyglas Pimp presents the Round Rubber Spring Sale!

Discussion in 'The "Pure" Stockers' started by SmallHurst, Mar 3, 2009.

  1. SmallHurst

    SmallHurst The Polyglas Pimp!

    I had a super opportunity to spend the day Friday with John Kelsey!!! Super guy and always looking to help out the hobby! I did talk with him, but I am sure that he thought I was unresponsive. I was standing there slack jawed at most of what I saw and what I was told. Gentlemen, this guy has lived cars literally his whole life and I am proud to say that I know him.

    Again, feel free to ask any questions that you have. I will be happy to help!!:TU:
  2. Steve A

    Steve A 454 450

  3. SmallHurst

    SmallHurst The Polyglas Pimp!

    I have talked to John and Uniroyals brand falls under Michelin now. So if anyone was to reproduce those tires, it would be Coker because of the agreements that they have.
  4. Iggycat2004

    Iggycat2004 1971 Buick GS Convertible


    I sent the $$ order for my set of 5 tires last week. Let me know when you get it and when you'll be shipping them out here to Jersey. Thanks for your help.

    Michael Brennan


  5. SmallHurst

    SmallHurst The Polyglas Pimp!

  6. SmallHurst

    SmallHurst The Polyglas Pimp!

    TTT one more time. :TU:
  7. Roberta

    Roberta Buick Berta

    Just a few words on the Polyglas Pimp, great work on getting my G60-15's for GSX #14 ready for the GSX Reunion, and Pure Stock in Stanton in September, motor is in the works, transmission next, it won't be pretty,but it will have great new shoes, and drivetrain, thanks to Rusty, for tires and Dave Hemker for motor and trans, lookout, this is really a secret project after 14 yrs of owning #14. If you remember the Muscle Car show on the GS from 1998 on Speed TV, the GSX on the track is mine, the GSX on the round about is my friends, that I can't convince to take to the reunion, but will continue to work on them, and hopefully it will be there, too!
  8. BB767

    BB767 Well-Known Member

    For any of you setting on the fence wondering who this guy Rusty Small is and can I really send him money and get great tires in return.......... the answer is yes! Rusty is "one of us". He's out there Pure Stocking with the best of us, does what he says he'll do and is the real deal. If you need new treads and he can supply the right size, type, etc,you can't do any better.:TU:

    Now to you Roberta, good news on the GSX. Always like to see you out there on the track. And as it turns out a real pistol packin' MOMMA to boot! Way to go! :blast:

  9. cjfordman

    cjfordman 60 ft specialist

    Sounds like a Rusty infomercial :laugh:
  10. BB767

    BB767 Well-Known Member

    I am so glad you brought that up. Now Rusty about that plain paper bag with small, unmarked, non-sequential bills I've been meaning to talk with you about............:Brow:

  11. cjfordman

    cjfordman 60 ft specialist

    Be happy with part of a role of quarters.

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