Things your spouse got mad at you about- using household stuff for car projects

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by 71GSX455-4SPD, Sep 20, 2004.

  1. 71GSX455-4SPD

    71GSX455-4SPD Nick Serwo Magic Car

    With the thread running about "Things you've made your spouse do" in relation to working on cars, I thought I'd start one with a slightly different bent.

    What made me think of it was this weekend while my wife was out shopping I started to do some abrasive blasting. I noticed the media was clumping together as it was moist from all the rain we had this Saturday. I scooped it all out, put it in my wife's roasting pan, and threw it on the gas grill for about a half hour. When I was done, back in the cabinet with the media, gave the roasting pan a quick rinse, and dumped it in the sink. Wouldn't you know it? My wife comes home and goes straight for the roasting pan because she has a turkey breast to cook. "Were you using my roasting pan? What's all this sand in there? Is that stuff toxic? We better not be chewing on sand during dinner tonight!" She was pretty fumed about the fact that I used her cookware for my car project. I ended up washing it really good and she inspected it with a finger looking for traces of sand. Dinner was sand free...

    Another time she wasn't too please that I used her turkey baster to siphon brake fluid out of a master cylinder.

    OK, I think my examples are pretty tame. I'll bet some of you guys have some doozies! :)
  2. SportWagonGS

    SportWagonGS Moderator

    You know....the dish washer is a fine parts washer!
  3. 70 gsconvt

    70 gsconvt Silver Level contributor

    What do you mean these towels are just for dishes??? :Smarty: :rolleyes: :Do No: :Dou: :eek2: :rant:
  4. Leviathan

    Leviathan Inmate of the Month

    Apparently a turkey roasting pan is NOT for draining a transmission :Do No:
  5. Kingfish

    Kingfish Well-Known Member

    Top This One...

    Early last summer dad and I were putting a new 462 together for the regal. I had read about ceramic coating and dry film lubing for the do it yourself types. Seemed like a good idea to me. Matter of fact it turned out very well.
    I DFLD rocker shafts, bearings, lifter body exteriors, timing gears and pump gears. The stuff I purchased was water based, not solvent based therefore "ok for use in food preparation ovens". Straight from the vendors website.

    After proper cleaning and application of the DFL you have to BAKE the items to bond the material. Hmmm..what to do. Of course. I spotted the large toaster oven on the counter and used that. Everything turned out quite nicely. I gave no thought to baking engine parts in a bagel cooker.

    Then I decided to ceramic coat and DFL my pistons. Since they were still on the rods I had a clearance problem with the toaster oven. What to do...

    I waited for my wife and daughters to attend a soccer game one Thursday evening and proceeded to use the OVEN IN THE KITCHEN for the baking. Pop said " I don't think you want to use that oven for them pistons boy". I replied " no problem Dad, It will be done and cleaned up and she will never know what was in there".

    Man am I an idiot.

    Eight pistons and rods went into the top rack and with the oven preheated to 350*. Well lo and behold copius amounts of rank chemical smoke started to roll out of the top oven vent. I says "HOLY S--T I am a dead man". My dad starts laughing his butt off while I ran around the house opening very door and window. I put fans in the kitchen windows to suck smoke out and fans on the opposite side windows to draw fresh air in.

    As the cook time increased the chemical smoking decreased. But before the cure time elapsed my wife and kids came home. That started an interesting one sided conversation from my wife to me that I will never forget.

    MORAL of this story:
    If usings the WIFES stove to bake engine parts be prepared to:

    Buy a new oven.
    Buy a new toaster oven after that was discovered missing.
    Not sleep in your bedroom for a while.
    Never live down the "stupid thing" that you did for the rest of your life.

  6. 71GSX455-4SPD

    71GSX455-4SPD Nick Serwo Magic Car

    Good Stuff! LOL

    It looks like I'm not alone in receiving the one sided conversation...
  7. Buick Dave

    Buick Dave Well-Known Member

    Let me take it 1 step further, since i have used the oven -dishwasher- the GOOD vacume cleaner-and got grease on everything i wasnt supposed to.

    How about explaining to your wife why she cant drive her 68 Custom today.....the reason is because i took her plug wires off, and put them in my 68 so i could go bracket racing!!!! :spank:

    Car guys Wifes have great stories to tell all their friends....they actually love thais kind of stuff!!!! Really!!! :TU:
  8. GoldBoattail455

    GoldBoattail455 462 -> TH400 -> Posi

    Using a drinking cup from my mothers cabinet to pour water into the radiator.
  9. Bald Menace

    Bald Menace unauthorized user

    Dont bake painted parts in the oven.... :shock:
  10. Smartin

    Smartin Staff Member

    Don't rebuild carburetors in the basement where the furnace is.. (in the Winter)
  11. 71GSX455-4SPD

    71GSX455-4SPD Nick Serwo Magic Car

    Yikes!!! :eek2: Ka-Boom!!!

    Well, my little media drying in the roasting pan incident came home to roost tonight. I got home kinda late after the rest of the fam ate and threw a couple of chops on the gas grill. Turning them just right to get those diagonal grill marks :Brow: I took 'em off and proceeded to chow. As I bit into the first piece of sand, I thought "What the he__?". Then it occured to me, musta got media on the bottom of the roasting pan and it went onto the grill grates! :Dou:

    There ain't NO WAY I'm mentioning that to my wife. Wouldn't give her the satisfaction! :laugh: She'd have a laugh and a half. Ah, maybe I'll tell her anyway...

    I wonder if eating glass bead is bad for you??? :Do No:
  12. gun-G

    gun-G Well-Known Member

    A) New towels to wash and dry the cars...Nothing but the best for the Rivies!

    B) Formatted/partitioned the brides work laptop so "D" is a 65 Chassis Service Manual, Body manual, and tech info!
    Shhh. Nobody knows NOTHIN'!

    C) Whaddayamean the meat thermometer tastes like antifreeze??

    D) Using up all the light bulbs because I keep whacking the drop light.

    Last edited: Sep 22, 2004
  13. GS Shari

    GS Shari Guest

    My personal peeves...

    Using the dishwasher for wash electronic air cleaner filters WITH A LOAD OF DISHES. Everything smelled bad and had black spots on it....

    Using the good knives/steak knives for cutting hoses or anything else that's not kitchen related.... Can you say dull?

    Using the kitchen sponge for mopping up antifreeze...

    Using my kitchen set of screwdrivers and needlenose pliers - because you can find them - and not putting them away.

    :rant: :rant:

    I think that's enough.

  14. 1968Wagon

    1968Wagon '68 Skylark Convertible

    Two things from the kitchen

    I used the .99 cent plastic popcorn bowl to drain my old oil into. 11 1/2 inches across and 5 inches deep....made a great oil drain pan. Also used one of the good abrasive kitchen sponges to clean the engine grease off of my hands. They're both "mine" now for good. .......John

    EODLEGS Well-Known Member

    Don't use your "good" clothes when you work on the car . I didn't know there was a difference??? evidently there is... :Dou:
  16. RobertSchmelzer

    RobertSchmelzer The Glassman Cometh

    Been there, done that. Although it was before I was ever married. Mother was NOT pleased! :(
  17. BQUICK

    BQUICK Gold Level Contributor

    Grease splatter screen *alias "Laminar Flow air diffuser" worth a tenth and a half. Bought a new one and gave her the greasy one back. :laugh:
  18. Robsbuick

    Robsbuick Precision Billet Inc.

    turkey baster to suck anti-freeze from thermostat housing. :Brow:
  19. Stagedcoach71

    Stagedcoach71 Well-Known Member

    I inherited a China cabinet when I bought my first home. It was found in the garage so I loaded it with intersting curios like Ram Air pieces, starter motors, and brake boosters.

    Although I'm not married, the neighborhood ladies had plenty to point and whisper at. "I could have used that" was the typical comment. As if I wasn't using it already! :laugh:

    Uh-duh! :)
  20. Yardley

    Yardley Club Jackass

    Amazingly, I have nothing to contribute to this thread. Apparantly, dealing with wifey's consternation for just buying the Riv was enough to clue me in that I BETTER NOT infringe on anything of hers.

    I've lived by that rule and so far she hasn't had to get angry with me for THAT.

    Now, all those PayPal charges from ebay is an entirely different story...

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