Timing light recommendation

Discussion in 'Buick FAQ' started by Sturmgewehr, Apr 8, 2006.

  1. Sturmgewehr

    Sturmgewehr Well-Known Member

    Anyone recommend a brand? One type better then others? Thanks Pete
  2. CJay

    CJay Supercar owner Staff Member

    Like anything else, you get what you pay for. My philosophy is that good tools last a lifetime. Buy a quality timing light and it will provide years of service. That being said, the best timing light IMHO is Snap On. Its the Rolls Royce of timing lights. You can buy it online at www.snapon.com It is a little pricey, but well worth it.
  3. copperheadgs1

    copperheadgs1 copperheadgs1

    I have also been told that the MSD unit is very good. I have a Craftsman dial back unit that is pretty nice not wanting to spend the cash on An MSD. I also bought the Flaming River brand battery operated from Summit and my race car mechanic friend says his is just as accurate as his more expensive models and there are no wires going across to the battery! the only downfall is it is not as bright and is tough to read in bright sun.
  4. D BERRY

    D BERRY 72 Skylark 2 DR POST

    In a way a timing light is a pretty simple device, buy a good quality light, don't go to Harbor Frieght. Snap On makes fine products but you don't need a Rolls Royce to get you from point A to point B when a LeSabre will do it just as well. I have a Sears Craftsman which is a fine light and is over 30 years old. Just make sure you get a quality light when you get one.

    Dave B
  5. ibmoses



    Dial back light, bought it from Sears.
    Good Luck
  6. Buick Power

    Buick Power Well-Known Member

    Go with a dial back light like the ones from Sears. You need to be able to read higher initial settings as well as total timing to tune and trouble shoot your car properly. The Snap On digital is worthless for those functions. I have both timing lights, thinking the Snap On is better, but it's not. What I do is, hook up both, use the Snap On as a Tach and use the Sears to read the timing. Actually works out nice that way.
  7. CJay

    CJay Supercar owner Staff Member

    Dave- I respectfully disagree with you. To say that the Sears light has features the Snap On one doesnt is flat wrong. I admit the Snap On light is prohibitivly priced for most weekend mechanics at $500.00, but it can outperform the Sears unit any day. Are you sure we're talking about the same one?

    Snap On light
  8. Buick Power

    Buick Power Well-Known Member

    The one I have is quite different than that. Can you pre set the advance that you are looking for? Mine, you had to bump it up while you were trying to work the throttle or rotate the distributor and read the indicator all at once or quickly consecutive, major pita. What I do with the dial light is set my initial number, rotate the distributor, check it, spot check vacuum, bring the throttle blades down as needed, check timing again and repeat the cycle. With the digital I would have to keep working the inputs. Then for total timing, I set it at say 32 degrees, and rev the engine slowly until the indicator line no longer moves so I know what RPM it is all in at. I would say that the one I had was ok for checking timing, but not for tuning.

    I wouldn't say that the Sears has more features, but it is the perfect example of keeping it simple. I bet half of the cars out there are not tuned right, because tuning like I mentioned above is a lost art. I am constantly teching on combos with the primary throttle blades open too much, vacuum advance hooked to manifold vacuum to compensate, distibutor not curved (springs and weights is not curving a distributor), etc.
  9. Buick Power

    Buick Power Well-Known Member

    Can you do this with the SnapOn:
    Set the timing without the engine running???

    If you are getting ready to break a cam in, you can't spend time getting the timing set. Before you fire the engine, turn the key to the on position, set the dial on the Sears gun to say 12 degrees (if that is the initial you need) turn the light towards your face, pull the trigger and hold it. Now rotate the distributor back and forth until it flashes. Now your initial timing is set, lock down the distributor and break that cam in.
  10. CJay

    CJay Supercar owner Staff Member

    I believe the adjustable range is 0-180 degrees. I must admit I never tired to adjust timing with the engine off. But Im sure it works the same way.

    I think the only thing the Snap On one doesnt do is sing and dance
  11. Rivman

    Rivman Senior Ottawa Buick Guy

    Timing Light

    Can't beat the Craftsman features for the price - perfect for us back yard mechanics !
    . . . and if it craps out, you chuck it and buy a new one. My first one (before dial back days) gave me 30+ years of service !
    Guess what I replaced it with ? :beer :TU:
  12. rogbo1

    rogbo1 Well-Known Member


    :Brow: Here you go. You don't need all that fancy stuff.
    Got this at Kresge's (KMart) 30 years ago.
    Works great as long as you turn off all other lights and have painted the
    timing marks bright white. Notice the tape holding the lens on. Too many times caught against an alternator belt. A little melted on the clip rubber
    boots. Too many times fell against the exhaust manifold.
    I call it my Timex Timing Light, takes a licken and keeps on ticken!
    Timing marks look a little fuzzy but with my old eyes it would with a new one too. Even had a Sears gift card for Xmas and almost bought one of those new
    fangled ones. Looked at a new one but couldn't figure out how to use it and decided it would bother me if if got caught in the belts so still have the old one. Every time I use it I ask myself why do you spend thousands for the car and won't spend $50 for a good timing light. :Do No:

    Attached Files:

  13. Sturmgewehr

    Sturmgewehr Well-Known Member

    Thanks guys--I bought a "dial back" from SEARS---works for my needs=
    (non racing applications) Pete
  14. Rivman

    Rivman Senior Ottawa Buick Guy

    Timing Light !

    They just don't build them like that any more Roger ! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :beer :TU:
  15. TimR

    TimR Nutcase at large

    Damn!! Thats the best advice I have heard in a long time, never even thought of that!!!! Thanks (and I'm firing it up next week for the first time)!!! :beer

    My timing light is an old Equus version with a dial, worked great until I lent it out and it got broken. Wondering if the digital ones with advance can be used the same way as above, can't really see why not, same idea....


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